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America’s drug price hike conundrum in backdrop of 2019 Medicare Part D data
Nearly every year, drugmakers ring in the new year with drug price increases in the US. This year too, prices of over 450 prescription medicines increased by an average of around 5 percent at the start of January. This, when high drug prices have been one of the biggest political issues in the US over the last few years. PharmaCompass decided to usher in 2022 with a review of the US Medicare Part D Prescription Drug data recently released by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) for calendar year 2019. Using the available data, we have developed our own dashboard to show recent trends in consumption of prescription drugs. With this analysis, we hope our readers will get a better understanding of the world’s largest market for pharmaceuticals, as also a fix on where it may be headed. View US Medicare Part D 2019 Drug Spending (Free Excel Available) Rising healthcare, drug spends in US Over the last several years, we have repeatedly heard political leaders in the US complain about high drug prices. Yet, drug prices and healthcare spends have risen unabated. America’s National Health Expenditure Accounts (NHEA) includes annual expenditures on healthcare goods and services, public health activities, the net cost of health insurance, and investment related to healthcare. In 2019, America’s national health expenditure (NHE) grew by 4.6 percent to US$ 3.8 trillion, accounting for 17.7 percent of the gross domestic product (GDP). During the year, prescription drug spend increased by 5.7 percent to US$ 369.7 billion. In comparison, Medicare spend grew 6.7 percent to US$ 799.4 billion. President Joe Biden recently stressed on the need to cap the prices of essential drugs, and said that the average American pays the highest prices for prescription drugs anywhere in the world. Americans pay 10 times as much as other countries for life-saving insulin — the top selling prescription drug covered by the Part D program.  Pharma companies, on the other hand, have vehemently argued against any price cuts in the US, saying price cuts would hinder drug research and development for all diseases. View US Medicare Part D 2019 Drug Spending (Free Excel Available)  Patented drugs account for 80.3 percent of total Part D spend Medicare is the US federal government’s program that provides health insurance to most people who are 65 years or older. Medicare’s Part D plan provides outpatient drug coverage through private insurance companies that have contracts with the federal government. Eligible people have to choose and enroll in a private prescription drug plan for Part D coverage. Medicare Part B, on the other hand, covers a wide variety of medically necessary outpatient services and some preventative services. Prescription drug coverage under Part D reached US$ 183 billion in 2019 — a growth of around 9 percent over 2018, when spending was US$ 168 billion. Spending on patented drugs in 2019 accounted for around US$ 147 billion or 80.3 percent of the total spend for the year. Generic drugs made up for the remaining 19.7 percent (approximately US$ 36 billion). In 2018, generic drugs worth US$ 35.8 billion were sold under Part D, accounting for 21 percent of the total spend under the program. View US Medicare Part D 2019 Drug Spending (Free Excel Available)   Eliquis ranks highest on Medicare’s brand drug spend Under Part D, endocrinology and oncology were the two therapeutic areas that generated maximum revenue for pharma companies, driving home sales of over US$ 31.8 billion and US$ 23.5 billion, respectively. Neurology drugs generated sales of around US$ 22.9 billion. Among branded drugs, Bristol Myers Squibb’s anticoagulant Eliquis (apixaban) was the most selling drug in 2019 under Part D, notching up about US$ 7.3 billion in sales — a rise of US$ 2.3 billion or 46 percent over 2018. Celgene’s cancer drug Revlimid (lenalidomide) roped in US$ 4.7 billion (up by 14.6 percent), while another anticoagulant drug Xarelto (rivaroxaban) by Janssen Pharma — a unit of Johnson & Johnson — fetched US$ 4.1 billion (up 20.6 percent) in sales through Part D. AbbVie’s anti-rheumatic drug Humira and Sanofi’s diabetes drug Lantus saw sales of around US$ 3.7 billion each under the program. Amongst generics, the largest selling drug under Part D (by dosage units) was metformin (diabetes), followed by gabapentin (seizure), PEG3350 with electrolyte (gastroenterology), metoprolol (hypertension) and atorvastatin (cholesterol). In 2019, the overall dosage units sold also jumped higher by 2.25 billion units to 111.35 billion.  The sales ranking of Part D does bare some similarities with the global ranking of highest selling drugs. In 2020, Humira had retained its position as the highest selling drug in the world, generating sales of US$ 20.4 billion. Both Eliquis and Revlimid had retained their ranking as the third and fourth most selling drugs, bringing home US$ 14.1 billion and US$ 12.1 billion in global sales in 2020. View US Medicare Part D 2019 Drug Spending (Free Excel Available)  Medicare’s inability to negotiate prices costs American taxpayers billions of dollars Over the years, drug companies have used Medicare’s inability to negotiate prices under Part D to increase the prices of their drugs significantly and rip off huge profits, a three-year-long US House Oversight Committee investigation has revealed. US taxpayers could have saved over US$ 25 billion in five years if the prices of just seven drugs — Humira, Imbruvica, Sensipar, Enbrel, Lantus, NovoLog and Lyrica — were negotiated by Medicare. Another US$ 16.7 billion could have been saved between 2011 and 2017 on insulin products manufactured by Eli Lilly, Novo Nordisk and Sanofi, which control 90 percent of the insulin market in the US, the committee’s report revealed.   Elsewhere in the world, the same drugmakers are bending over backwards to get into medical insurance programs. For instance, China reported that several international pharma firms, many of them headquartered in the US, slashed the prices of their drugs by up to 94 percent to get into the country’s national medical insurance coverage. In the US — which accounted for around 46 percent of the global share of drugs in 2020 — senior citizens may have to pay more for medicines as the government announced a large hike in Medicare premiums for 2022 if an expensive Alzheimer’s drug, Aduhelm, is included in the list. In order to ensure inclusion in Medicare, Biogen slashed the price of Aduhelm by half — from US$ 56,000 to US$ 28,200 — just weeks before a crucial meeting called by the CMS. Clearly, this has set a precedent in an industry which is known for rampant price hikes and rarely for any price cuts. This could also be put forth as an example of what Medicare could achieve if it receives negotiation rights. View US Medicare Part D 2019 Drug Spending (Free Excel Available)  Our view President Biden's Build Back Better legislation, which the House passed last month, is up for vote in the Senate. The legislation contains provisions that would allow Medicare to negotiate the prices of some expensive drugs, penalize drugmakers who raise prices faster than inflation and cap out-of-pocket costs for insulin at US$ 35 per month. However, chances of the bill being passed in its present form are slim. Even if the Senate passes the bill, Medicare would be able to negotiate the prices of only 10 prescription drugs and insulin products in 2025. The number would increase over the years, reaching 100 in six years, and hence forth grow by 20 drugs a year. It seems like 2022 won’t be the last year when January 1 will be braced with price hikes in the US by drugmakers. Looks like they will continue to make hay while the sun shines.  View US Medicare Part D 2019 Drug Spending (Free Excel Available)    

Impressions: 2653

06 Jan 2022
Top drugs and pharmaceutical companies of 2019 by revenues
Acquisitions and spin-offs dominated headlines in 2019 and the tone was set very early with Bristol-Myers Squibb acquiring New Jersey-based cancer drug company Celgene in a US$ 74 billion deal announced on January 3, 2019. After factoring in debt, the deal value ballooned to about US$ 95 billion, which according to data compiled by Refinitiv, made it the largest healthcare deal on record. In the summer, AbbVie Inc, which sells the world’s best-selling drug Humira, announced its acquisition of Allergan Plc, known for Botox and other cosmetic treatments, for US$ 63 billion. While the companies are still awaiting regulatory approval for their deal, with US$ 49 billion in combined 2019 revenues, the merged entity would rank amongst the biggest in the industry. View Our Interactive Dashboard on Top drugs by sales in 2019 (Free Excel Available) The big five by pharmaceutical sales — Pfizer, Roche, J&J, Novartis and Merck Pfizer continued to lead companies by pharmaceutical sales by reporting annual 2019 revenues of US$ 51.8 billion, a decrease of US$ 1.9 billion, or 4 percent, compared to 2018. The decline was primarily attributed to the loss of exclusivity of Lyrica in 2019, which witnessed its sales drop from US$ 5 billion in 2018 to US$ 3.3 billion in 2019. In 2018, Pfizer’s then incoming CEO Albert Bourla had mentioned that the company did not see the need for any large-scale M&A activity as Pfizer had “the best pipeline” in its history, which needed the company to focus on deploying its capital to keep its pipeline flowing and execute on its drug launches. Bourla stayed true to his word and barring the acquisition of Array Biopharma for US$ 11.4 billion and a spin-off to merge Upjohn, Pfizer’s off-patent branded and generic established medicines business with Mylan, there weren’t any other big ticket deals which were announced. The Upjohn-Mylan merged entity will be called Viatris and is expected to have 2020 revenues between US$ 19 and US$ 20 billion and could outpace Teva to become the largest generic company in the world, in term of revenues.  Novartis, which had followed Pfizer with the second largest revenues in the pharmaceutical industry in 2018, reported its first full year earnings after spinning off its Alcon eye care devices business division that had US$ 7.15 billion in 2018 sales. In 2019, Novartis slipped two spots in the ranking after reporting total sales of US$ 47.4 billion and its CEO Vas Narasimhan continued his deal-making spree by buying New Jersey-headquartered The Medicines Company (MedCo) for US$ 9.7 billion to acquire a late-stage cholesterol-lowering therapy named inclisiran. As Takeda Pharmaceutical Co was busy in 2019 on working to reduce its debt burden incurred due to its US$ 62 billion purchase of Shire Plc, which was announced in 2018, Novartis also purchased the eye-disease medicine, Xiidra, from the Japanese drugmaker for US$ 5.3 billion. Novartis’ management also spent a considerable part of 2019 dealing with data-integrity concerns which emerged from its 2018 buyout of AveXis, the gene-therapy maker Novartis had acquired for US$ 8.7 billion. The deal gave Novartis rights to Zolgensma, a novel treatment intended for children less than two years of age with the most severe form of spinal muscular atrophy (SMA). Priced at US$ 2.1 million, Zolgensma is currently the world’s most expensive drug. However, in a shocking announcement, a month after approving the drug, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued a press release on data accuracy issues as the agency was informed by AveXis that its personnel had manipulated data which the FDA used to evaluate product comparability and nonclinical (animal) pharmacology as part of the biologics license application (BLA), which was submitted and reviewed by the FDA. With US$ 50.0 billion (CHF 48.5 billion) in annual pharmaceutical sales, Swiss drugmaker Roche came in at number two position in 2019 as its sales grew 11 percent driven by its multiple sclerosis medicine Ocrevus, haemophilia drug Hemlibra and cancer medicines Tecentriq and Perjeta. Roche’s newly introduced medicines generated US$ 5.53 billion (CHF 5.4 billion) in growth, helping offset the impact of the competition from biosimilars for its three best-selling drugs MabThera/Rituxan, Herceptin and Avastin. In late 2019, after months of increased antitrust scrutiny, Roche completed its US$ 5.1 billion acquisition of Spark Therapeutics to strengthen its presence in gene therapy. Last year, J&J reported almost flat worldwide sales of US$ 82.1 billion. J&J’s pharmaceutical division generated US$ 42.20 billion and its medical devices and consumer health divisions brought in US$ 25.96 billion and US$ 13.89 billion respectively.  Since J&J’s consumer health division sells analgesics, digestive health along with beauty and oral care products, the US$ 5.43 billion in consumer health sales from over-the-counter drugs and women’s health products was only used in our assessment of J&J’s total pharmaceutical revenues. With combined pharmaceutical sales of US$ 47.63 billion, J&J made it to number three on our list. While the sales of products like Stelara, Darzalex, Imbruvica, Invega Sustenna drove J&J’s pharmaceutical business to grow by 4 percent over 2018, the firm had to contend with generic competition against key revenue contributors Remicade and Zytiga. US-headquartered Merck, which is known as MSD (short for Merck Sharp & Dohme) outside the United States and Canada, is set to significantly move up the rankings next year fueled by its cancer drug Keytruda, which witnessed a 55 percent increase in sales to US$ 11.1 billion. Merck reported total revenues of US$ 41.75 billion and also announced it will spin off its women’s health drugs, biosimilar drugs and older products to create a new pharmaceutical company with US$ 6.5 billion in annual revenues. The firm had anticipated 2020 sales between US$ 48.8 billion and US$  50.3 billion however this week it announced that the coronavirus  pandemic will reduce 2020 sales by more than $2 billion. View Our Interactive Dashboard on Top drugs by sales in 2019 (Free Excel Available)  Humira holds on to remain world’s best-selling drug AbbVie’s acquisition of Allergan comes as the firm faces the expiration of patent protection for Humira, which brought in a staggering US$ 19.2 billion in sales last year for the company. AbbVie has failed to successfully acquire or develop a major new product to replace the sales generated by its flagship drug. In 2019, Humira’s US revenues increased 8.6 percent to US$ 14.86 billion while internationally, due to biosimilar competition, the sales dropped 31.1 percent to US$ 4.30 billion. Bristol Myers Squibb’s Eliquis, which is also marketed by Pfizer, maintained its number two position and posted total sales of US$ 12.1 billion, a 23 percent increase over 2018. While Bristol Myers Squibb’s immunotherapy treatment Opdivo, sold in partnership with Ono in Japan, saw sales increase from US$ 7.57 billion to US$ 8.0 billion, the growth paled in comparison to the US$ 3.9 billion revenue increase of Opdivo’s key immunotherapy competitor Merck’s Keytruda. Keytruda took the number three spot in drug sales that previously belonged to Celgene’s Revlimid, which witnessed a sales decline from US$ 9.69 billion to US$ 9.4 billion. Cancer treatment Imbruvica, which is marketed by J&J and AbbVie, witnessed a 30 percent increase in sales. With US$ 8.1 billion in 2019 revenues, it took the number five position. View Our Interactive Dashboard on Top drugs by sales in 2019 (Free Excel Available) Vaccines – Covid-19 turns competitors into partners This year has been dominated by the single biggest health emergency in years — the novel coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic. As drugs continue to fail to meet expectations, vaccine development has received a lot of attention.  GSK reported the highest vaccine sales of all drugmakers with total sales of US$ 8.4 billion (GBP 7.16 billion), a significant portion of its total sales of US$ 41.8 billion (GBP 33.754 billion).   US-based Merck’s vaccine division also reported a significant increase in sales to US$ 8.0 billion and in 2019 received FDA and EU approval to market its Ebola vaccine Ervebo. This is the first FDA-authorized vaccine against the deadly virus which causes hemorrhagic fever and spreads from person to person through direct contact with body fluids. Pfizer and Sanofi also reported an increase in their vaccine sales to US$ 6.4 billion and US$ 6.2 billion respectively and the Covid-19 pandemic has recently pushed drugmakers to move faster than ever before and has also converted competitors into partners. In a rare move, drug behemoths  — Sanofi and GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) —joined hands to develop a vaccine for the novel coronavirus. The two companies plan to start human trials in the second half of this year, and if things go right, they will file for potential approvals by the second half of 2021.  View Our Interactive Dashboard on Top drugs by sales in 2019 (Free Excel Available)  Our view Covid-19 has brought the world economy to a grinding halt and shifted the global attention to the pharmaceutical industry’s capability to deliver solutions to address this pandemic.  Our compilation shows that vaccines and drugs for infectious diseases currently form a tiny fraction of the total sales of pharmaceutical companies and few drugs against infectious diseases rank high on the sales list. This could well explain the limited range of options currently available to fight Covid-19. With the pandemic currently infecting over 3 million people spread across more than 200 countries, we can safely conclude that the scenario in 2020 will change substantially. And so should our compilation of top drugs for the year. View Our Interactive Dashboard on Top drugs by sales in 2019 (Free Excel Available)   

Impressions: 55000

29 Apr 2020
Top drugs by sales in 2017: Who sold the blockbuster drugs?
The year 2017 was a landmark year for pharmaceutical industries in the US and Europe, with a sharp increase in the number of new molecular entities (NMEs) being approved in both geographies. The US Food and Drug Administration (USFDA) approved 46 NMEs in 2017, the second highest since 1996 when 53 NMEs were approved. In Europe, the European Medicines Agency (EMA) approved 35 drugs with a new active substance, up from 27 in 2016. Sales for most major pharmaceutical companies continued to grow in 2017. Earnings forecasts for 2018 have been raised due to the recent US tax reform that has generated investor hopes for accelerated dividend growth and share buyback plans. This week, PharmaCompass brings you a compilation of the top drugs of 2017 by sales revenue. Click here to Access All the 2017 Data (Excel version available) for FREE! Top-sellers: Humira races ahead, despite launch of biosimilars; Enbrel a distant second   There wasn’t any upheaval at the top of the pharma drug sales charts. AbbVie’s anti-TNF (tumor necrosis factor) giant Humira (adalimumab), which is approved to treat psoriasis and rheumatoid arthritis, added almost another US $3 billion to its 2016 sales and posted nearly US $19 billion in revenues. Last year, AbbVie’s raised expectations for Humira’s earnings to reach US $21 billion in global sales by 2020. The company believes this drug will continue to be a significant cash contributor until 2025 and the US $21 billion sales forecast by 2020 is about US $3 billion higher than its expectation two years ago. In 2016, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved Amgen’s Amjevita (adalimumab-atto) — a biosimilar of Humira. And in 2017, another Humira biosimilar — Boehringer Ingelheim’s Cyltezo (adalimumab-adbm) — received approval from the FDA and European authorities.  Click here to Access All the 2017 Data (Excel version available) for FREE! Enbrel (etanercept), the longest-used biologic medicine for the treatment of rheumatism around the world, was the second best-selling drug with US $8.262 billion in 2017 sales. The sales of the drug were down from US $9.366 billion in 2016 owing to lower selling prices and increased competition, which in turn hurt demand.  Since it was first approved in the United States in 1998, Enbrel has been approved in over 100 countries and the drug is promoted by Amgen, Pfizer and Takeda in different geographies. Novartis’ biosimilar copy of Enbrel, which got approved by the FDA in August 2016 for the treatment of patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA), plaque psoriasis, ankylosing spondylitis (AS) and other diseases is still not on the market because of a patent-protection challenge from Amgen. Amgen is arguing in the US federal court that its drug has patent protection until 2029. Click here to Access All the 2017 Data (Excel version available) for FREE! Fast-growing drugs: Eylea and Revlimid bring fortunes for Regeneron and Celgene   Regeneron’s flagship eye treatment, Eylea (aflibercept) which is marketed by Bayer outside the United States, added another US $1 billion in annual sales last year to record US $8.260 billion in total sales. Eylea net sales grew 11 percent year-on-year in the US and 19 percent year-over-year outside the US. The company believes much of the recent growth in the US was driven by demographic trends with an aging population as well as an overall increase in the prevalence of diabetes. These demographic trends are expected to continue in the coming years, providing an opportunity for continued growth. Eylea sales alone contribute 63 percent to Regeneron’s total sales.  Click here to Access All the 2017 Data (Excel version available) for FREE! Celgene’s Revlimid (lenalidomide) — a thalidomide derivative introduced in 2004 as an immunomodulatory agent for the treatment of various cancers such as multiple myeloma — brought in an additional US $1.2 billion in 2017 sales and had total revenues of US $8.187 billion.  Revlimid continues to contribute more than 60 percent to the company’s total sales of US $13 billion. Celgene received a setback this month as the USFDA refused to consider Celgene’s application for ozanimod, an experimental treatment for relapsing multiple sclerosis. The treatment was being seen as a key to the company’s fortunes as Celgene had said ozanimod is worth US $4 billion to US $6 billion a year in peak sales. Click here to Access All the 2017 Data (Excel version available) for FREE! Gilead’s Hepatitis C franchise enters free fall   Gilead Sciences’ blockbuster hepatitis C drugs franchise that includes Sovaldi and Harvoni continue to feel the competitive heat as they registered US $9.137 billion in 2017 sales, down from US $14.834 billion the previous year. While reporting 2017 results, Gilead provided guidance for 2018 and said its sales of Hepatitis C drugs could fall further to US $3.5 billion - US $4 billion. At their peak in 2015, Gilead’s Sovaldi and Harvoni had together generated US $19.1 billion in sales. One of the major reasons for this drop is AbbVie’s launch of its new treatment Mavyret at a deep price discount to the competition. AbbVie also claims to have the shortest treatment course at eight weeks, compared with 12 weeks or longer for other treatments.  AbbVie reported US $1.274 billion in Hepatitis C drug sales in 2017, down from US $1.522 billion in 2016. Click here to Access All the 2017 Data (Excel version available) for FREE! Novartis’ Gleevec, Merck’s cardiovascular drugs, GSK’s Advair face generic heat   Novartis’ Gleevec (imatinib), which had at one point become the best-selling drug for Novartis and had brought in US $3.323 billion for the company in 2016, started facing generic competition last year and the anti-cancer drug lost US $1.380 billion in sales to bring in ‘only’ US $1.943 billion last year.  The US patents of  Merck’s cardiovascular drugs — Zetia (Ezetimibe) and Vytorin (Ezetimibe and Simvastatin) — expired in April 2017. In May 2010, Merck and Glenmark Pharmaceuticals entered into an agreement that allowed Glenmark to launch a generic version of Zetia in late 2016. The drugs that had combined sales of US $3.701 billion in 2016 felt the generic heat in 2017 and the sales were US $1.606 billion lower at US $2.095 billion. Click here to Access All the 2017 Data (Excel version available) for FREE! GSK’s Advair, which was expected to encounter generic competition in 2017, continued to breathe easy as the FDA found deficiencies in the applications of Hikma, Mylan and Sandoz. All three failed to get the FDA nod for their generic versions of Advair, a drug used in the management of asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease that generated sales worth US $4.431 billion (£3.130 billion) in 2017.  Top 15 drugs by sales   Here is PharmaCompass’ compilation of the best-selling drugs of 2017. This is based on information extracted from annual reports and US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) filings of major pharmaceutical companies. If you would like your own copy of all the information we’ve collected, email us at and we’ll send you an Excel version. Click here to access all the 2017 data (Excel version available) for FREE! S. No. Company / Companies Product Name Active Ingredient Main Therapeutic Indication 2017 Revenue in Millions (USD) 1 AbbVie Inc., Eisai Humira® Adalimumab Immunology (Organ Transplant, Arthritis etc.) 18,946 2 Amgen, Pfizer Inc., Takeda Enbrel® Etanercept Immunology (Organ Transplant, Arthritis etc.) 8,262 3 Regeneron, Bayer Eylea Aflibercept Ophthalmology 8,260 4 Celgene Revlimid Lenalidomide Oncology 8,187 5 Roche MabThera®/Rituxan® Rituximab   Oncology 7,831 6 Johnson & Johnson, Merck, Mitsubishi Tanabe Remicade®  Infliximab Autoimmune Disorders 7,784 7 Roche Herceptin® Trastuzumab Oncology 7,435 8 Bristol-Myers Squibb, Pfizer Inc. Eliquis®  Apixaban Cardiovascular Diseases 7,395 9 Roche Avastin®  Bevacizumab Oncology 7,089 10 Bayer, Johnson & Johnson XareltoTM Rivaroxaban Cardiovascular Diseases 6,590 11 Bristol Myers Squibb, Ono Pharmaceutical Opdivo Nivolumab Oncology 5,815 12 Sanofi Lantus Insulin Glargine Diabetes 5,731 13 Pfizer Inc. Prevnar 13/Prevenar 13 Pneumococcal 7-Valent Conjugate Anti-bacterial 5,601 14 Pfizer Inc., Eisai Lyrica Pregabalin Neurological/Mental Disorders 5,318 15 Amgen, Kyowa Hakko Kirin Neulasta® Pegfilgrastim Blood Disorders 4,553 Sign up, stay ahead In order to stay informed, and receive industry updates along with our data compilations, do sign up for the PharmaCompass Newsletter and you will receive updated information as it becomes available along with a lot more industry analysis. Click here to Access All the 2017 Data (Excel version available) for FREE!  

Impressions: 58707

29 Mar 2018
After beef, India may ban gelatin capsules; GSK, Gilead’s HIV race heats up
This week in Phispers, we bring you the latest twists in the GSK-Gilead rivalry over HIV drugs. India, which recently banned beef nationwide, plans to now replace gelatin with cellulose-based capsules. A lawsuit in the US says Mylan may have overcharged the government US$ 1.27 billion in the form of rebates on EpiPens. And, there is an update on the opioid crisis. Read on. After beef, India mulls banning animal-based gelatin capsules   As India deals with the aftermath of the controversial cattle trade ban, the Health Ministry is reviewing a proposal to replace gelatin capsules with cellulose-based capsules which are of plant origin and are “safe for use” as compared to animal-based gelatin capsules. Various stakeholders, NGOs and consumers have 21 days to weigh the pros and cons of this proposal and respond. India’s ministry of health and family welfare constituted an expert committee on March 20 this year to address all technical issues pertaining to replacement of gelatin capsules with cellulose-based capsules for encapsulation of drugs. The Indian government's ban on the trade of cattle for slaughter threatens US$ 4 billion in annual beef exports and millions of jobs if the government does not revoke it. Indian meat traders, under the aegis of the Qureshi Action Committee and other trade and industry associations, plan to petition India's Supreme Court to get the government order revoked. As Pfizer hikes price of 91 drugs, Maryland enacts law to curb generic drug price gouging   Last week, we had shared our list of drugs with ‘no patents and no competition’.  While our list provides tremendous opportunities for generic companies in the short-term, we also warned that the FDA’s continued focus on accelerating review of these drugs will require companies to rely on strategies less opportunistic than price gouging, to drive their future business growth. On October 1, 2017 Maryland will become the first state in the United States to enact a law prohibiting “price gouging” by generic pharmaceutical manufacturers. The Bill was passed by the Maryland General Assembly on April 20, 2017. On May 26, Maryland Governor Larry Hogan sent a letter to the Speaker of the House stating that he would allow the bill to become law without his signature. The move coincides with Pfizer hiking the price of 91 drugs by an average of 20 percent so far this year in the United States. This includes price hikes for its erectile dysfunction treatment, Viagra, and its pain drug, Lyrica, on June 1. There are two essential provisions of the Maryland Bill. First, it prohibits a generic drug manufacturer or wholesale distributor from engaging in price gouging in the sale of an “essential off-patent or generic drug.” Second, the Bill authorizes the Maryland Medical Assistance Program (MMAP) to notify the Maryland Attorney General of a price increase when the Wholesale Acquisition Cost (WAC) of a prescription drug increases by at least 50 percent from the WAC within the preceding one-year period. Or, when the price paid by MMAP would increase by at least 50 percent from the WAC within the preceding one year period and the WAC for either a 30-day supply or a full course of treatment exceeds US$ 80. Mylan may have received US$ 1.27 billion more in rebate for EpiPens   In the US, Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Charles Grassley released a Medicaid investigator's report which highlighted that Mylan’s EpiPen may have received US$ 1.27 billion more from the rebate program from 2006 through 2016 than what the company was entitled to receive. The amount is nearly three times a proposed settlement that the company had announced in October 2016. Earlier, Mylan had said it would return US $465 million to the government as part of settlement negotiations with the Department of Justice (DOJ). Talks with the DOJ continue. Senator Grassley has been involved in a long exchange with Mylan questioning the significant price-hikes which the company had implemented over the years. The EpiPen auto-injector, used to treat allergic reactions, cost US$ 57 a shot when Mylan purchased it in 2007. However, a series of price increases has raised the cost to more than US$ 600 for a pair of EpiPens. Before the price hike controversy hit Mylan, the Epipen generated more than US$ 1 billion in sales and contributed about 40 percent to Mylan’s overall profits. GSK, Gilead’s HIV contest heats up, as GSK goes for priority review   Two of the top 10 fastest growing drugs in 2016 were those used to treat HIV. GlaxoSmithKline’s Triumeq (abacavir, dolutegravir, lamivudine) and Gilead’s Genvoya (elvitegravir, cobicistat, emtricitabine, tenofovir alafenamide), both generated a sales growth in excess of US$ 1 billion. For a long time, Gilead dominated the HIV market. But GSK fought back recently. In an effort to stay ahead in the game, GSK used a priority review voucher, for which it paid US$ 130 million, to shave four months off its application approval process. ViiV Healthcare, the global specialist HIV company majority-owned by GSK, with Pfizer Inc and Shionogi Limited as its shareholders, announced regulatory submissions to the European Medicines Agency (EMA) and US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the first HIV maintenance regimen single-tablet, which comprises of only two medicines. The two-drug regimen contains dolutegravir (Tivicay, ViiV Healthcare) and rilpivirine (Edurant, Janssen Sciences Ireland UC). However, don’t count Gilead out. In four late-stage studies, the US company's new drug bictegravir was found to be as effective as GSK's established dolutegravir, which has been the cornerstone of the British group's growing HIV business in recent years. This year, Gilead plans to apply for regulatory approval to sell its combination of bictegravir and emtricitabine/tenofovir alafenamide (FTC/TAF), with a submission in the US in the second quarter and in Europe in the third quarter. If Gilead uses a priority voucher at the US FDA, it could launch in the US market in the first quarter of 2018, industry analysts said. Mallinckrodt explores divestment of its generics business   Mallinckrodt Plc plans to sell off its generic drug unit in a deal that could fetch the company around US$ 2 billion. The move would also help the specialty pharmaceutical maker shift towards higher-margin branded drugs. Mallinckrodt's generics unit has seen its sales plummeting, in part because some of its products include opiate-based pain killers, which have fallen out of favor with doctors due to their addictive potential. The divestment would complete the company’s gradual shift away from its original focus on generic drugs and nuclear imaging towards branded specialty pharmaceuticals, which now make up for bulk of its revenues. Between 2015 and 2016, Mallinckrodt's generic drug sales declined around 18 percent, to just over US$ 1 billion. During the same period, sales of branded specialty drugs increased by around US$ 2.3 billion. The England-based Mallinckrodt has reportedly hired investment bank Credit Suisse Group AG to run a sale process for the unit. Canadian researchers trace the origins of the opioid crisis, as Ohio sues drug makers   Last week, the state of Ohio in the US sued five major drug manufacturers, accusing them of misrepresenting the risks of prescription opioid painkillers that have fueled a skyrocketing drug addiction epidemic. Opioid drugs, including prescription painkillers and heroin, killed more than 33,000 people in the United States in 2015, more than any year on record, according to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Canadian researchers have traced the origins of the current opioid crisis to a letter published in the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) in 1980, which stated that opioids were not addictive. The original letter titled ‘Addiction Rare in Patients Treated with Narcotics’, was just a paragraph long. The lone evidence the letter cited was an anecdote that out of 11,882 hospitalized patients treated with narcotics, only four patients with no history of addiction became addicted. The journal's prestige helped fuel this misguided belief. The letter was cited over 600 times, usually to argue that opioids were not addictive. Last week, the NEJM published an unusual warning for readers about the 1980 letter. The editor's note on the original letter in the NEJM reads, "For reasons of public health, readers should be aware that this letter has been 'heavily and uncritically cited' as evidence that addiction is rare with opioid therapy." The five companies Ohio sued were Purdue Pharma LP, Johnson & Johnson's Janssen Pharmaceuticals Inc unit, a unit of Endo International Plc, Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd's Cephalon unit and Allergan Plc".    

Impressions: 3229

08 Jun 2017
Price gouging by Aspen in Italy; explosion at BASF; India acts on illegal Metformin exports
This week, Phispers gets you news on illegal exports of Metformin in India, Hillary Clinton’s stance on price gouging, a report’s recommendations on reducing India’s dependence on Chinese APIs, Pfizer’s patent dispute case in the UK and more. Aspen Pharma fined for price gouging in Italy Last week, Italian antitrust authorities fined South Africa-based drug maker Aspen Pharmacare nearly US $ 5.5 million for halting supplies of several cancer drugs. This is being seen as a negotiating tactic designed to hike prices by as much as 1,500 percent. The products whose supplies were halted are: Leukeran 2 mg (chlorambucil); Alkeran 50 mg / 10 mg powder and solvent (melphalan); Alkeran 2 mg (melphalan); Purinethol 50 mg (mercaptopurine); and Thioguanine 40 mg (thioguanine). The price-gouging episode began after Aspen purchased the drugs from GlaxoSmithKline. It then began negotiations with the Italian Medicines Agency over pricing for the cancer medicines. According to the Italian Competition Authority, Aspen also used the threat of a shortage to achieve the prices it had sought, because the drugs temporarily disappeared from the market. It would be interesting to see the price rise in the US market for these products since Chlorambucil and Thioguanine have no generics in the United States. Clinton’s team had debated attacking FDA commissioner Califf, reveals WikiLeaks Around this time last year, the pharmaceutical industry had come under severe criticism for price gouging. And, if emails released by WikiLeaks are to be believed, Hillary Clinton’s campaign team had debated attacking Dr. Robert Califf, over his ties with various drug makers. Back then, Califf had been nominated to head the US Food and Drug Administration. Earlier this year, Califf got named as FDA commissioner.The email thread, pertaining to September 21-26, 2015, suggests how the issue had become a factor in her campaign. Through these emails, few members of Clinton’s team had weighed the pros and cons of picking a fight that would “fit into the larger themes we are trying to promote,” an email written by Clinton’s campaign press secretary had said.Similarly, a senior policy advisor had written: “We could certainly signal that we want someone willing to stand up to pharma.”Califf was the founding director of the Duke Clinical Research Institute, which conducts studies for companies. He has authored numerous papers with industry researchers. Two years ago, several large drug makers had partly supported his salary, while many others paid him for consulting work. These email exchanges took place amid rising outrage over price gouging, triggered by Martin Shkreli (founder and former CEO of Turing Pharmaceuticals). In September last year, Clinton had taken a jab at Shkreli through a tweet, for hiking the price of the antimalarial drug Daraprim by more than 5,000 percent. Clinton’s campaign staff had tweeted: “FYI – We have started the war with Pharma!!” Last month, Clinton issued a plan to contain prescription drug pricing. She proposed a federal panel of officials to determine if price increases for certain drugs are justified, authorize the federal government to directly purchase drugs through imports of competing drugs from other countries, and fine offending companies. India initiates action against two Metformin makers for illegal exports The Food and Drug Administration of Maharashtra, India has initiated action against two pharmaceutical companies – Pharmaceutical Products of India Ltd and Wanbury – for illegally rebranding and exporting a diabetic drug to Mexico, Brazil, Bangladesh and Pakistan.A part of the bulk drug – metformin hydrochloride – was being manufactured by Pharmaceutical Products of India, based in Tarapur. It was manufacturing 300,000 kilos of metformin hydrochloride for export every month. The company, however, did not have an export licence. On further investigation, the department found that the drug was sold to another firm – Wanbury in Patalganga – that had an export licence. The modus operandi was clear – Wanbury had an export licence and orders worth 650,000 kg per month of metformin HCL, but had a shortfall of 350,000 kg in manufacturing capacity, which was being fulfilled by Pharmaceutical Products of lndia. “Wanbury would just stick their labels on the drugs supplied by the latter without any quality checks,” said a Maharashtra FDA official. “Such unholy alliances can have disastrous effects on the country's drug export sector,” the official added. The companies have been charged under the Drugs and Cosmetics Act.  Industry watchers share how deregulation brings further risks Last week, in Speak Pharma, Bernard Plau, CEO of Akovia Consulting, talked about how fraud broke the trust of regulators. And this week, industry watchers – Dinesh Thakur and Prashant Reddy Thikkavarapu – share how deregulation by the Drug Controller General of India (DCGI) brings further risk, in an article published on The News Minute, titled “Deregulation of the pharma industry in the time of scandals’. Since the Ranbaxy scandal, there have been several other scandals in the Indian pharmaceutical industry, and these have involved big names such as Sun, Dr. Reddy’s, Wockhardt, GVK Bio and Alkem. These companies have come under scrutiny from foreign drug regulators. Thakur and Thikkavarapu say two kind of scandals have plagued the Indian pharma industry. The first is related to data fabrication by contract research organisations (CROs) that conduct bioequivalence (BE) testing. The second type involves drug companies indulging in fabrication of data during quality testing. “Instead of increasing regulatory scrutiny, the DGCI has been on a drive to reduce the regulation governing the Indian pharmaceutical industry in the name of ‘Make in India’,” they added.    Indian trade body study suggests ways of reducing dependence on Chinese APIs A study undertaken by trade body Assocham and market research firm RNCOS has highlighted how India’s overwhelming dependence on China for APIs has emerged as a worrisome area. The study has recommended steps that can help reduce imports of APIs from China – which stand at Rs 138.53 billion (US $ 2.08 billion), or 65.29 percent of the total API imports of Rs 212.16 billion (US $ 3.18 billion). “This is all the more disconcerting in the face of louder narrative against reducing trade gap with China, which is well over US $ 51 billion,” the study says.  One of the main reasons for huge API imports from China is the low cost of manufacturing and subsidy there. Moreover, India levies negligible import fee. “The import fees should be increased in line with other counterparts”, the paper said. The existence of multiple regulatory authorities for renewal of licences by India’s bulk drug manufacturers is also affecting production. “Therefore a single committee of various government departments should be formed to regulate the industry through a single window and audit of plants,” the study said. It also recommended developing mega parks for APIs across the country. More bad news for Teva as it mulls acquisition of Korea’s CelltrionLast week, PharmaCompass covered Teva’s misadventure in Mexico. Little did we know that more bad news awaited Teva. Just one month after Teva paid Regeneron US $ 250 million to get access to a new pain drug – fasinumab, the FDA has put its clinical trial on hold. The news comes at a time when Teva is said to be considering the acquisition of South Korea’s Celltrion in order to strengthen its biosimilar portfolio. Going forward, biosimilars are said to be a key element of Teva’s overall strategy. Teva and Regeneron’s fasinumab was being studied in a Phase IIb trial in chronic low back pain, among others tests including osteoarthrosis pain. The FDA is now asking the two partners for “an amendment of the study protocol” after seeing a case of adjudicated arthropathy (a disease of the joint) in a patient receiving high-dose fasinumab, who had advanced osteoarthritis.The two companies said they would now set about designing a pivotal Phase III study in chronic low back pain that specifically excludes patients with advanced osteoarthritis in the hope this was a one-off related to this disease. Pfizer loses appeal in a UK patent dispute case over Lyrica Pfizer lost an appeal in a UK patent dispute over Lyrica, one of the company’s top-selling drugs. The Court of Appeal upheld a 2015 verdict that had struck down key patent claims on Lyrica by Pfizer and cleared Allergan Plc’s Actavis generic unit of infringing it. The disputed patent covers the use of pregabalin for the treatment of pain. The business was bought by Teva this year. In 2015, Lyrica – which is also used to treat epilepsy – generated sales of US $ 4.8 billion for Pfizer. Pfizer has also sued Dr. Reddy’s Laboratories and Teva Pharmaceutical Industries over their generic pregabalin products. These days, Lyrica is used more for pain than for its original indication as a seizure drug. Pfizer now hopes to take its fight to the UK Supreme Court. “We maintain our belief in the validity and importance” of the patent, said Pfizer spokeswoman.  Explosion at BASF’s biggest plant in Germany kills twoOn October 17, an explosion and fire at chemicals maker BASF's production site in Germany is said to have killed at least two people and severely injured six. The explosion occurred at around 11.20 am local time, on a supply line connecting a harbor and a tank depot on the Ludwigshafen site. BASF is the world’s biggest chemicals company and the Ludwigshafen site, which is situated around 80 km south of Frankfurt, is the world's largest chemical complex, covering an area of 10 square km. The site employs 39,000 workers. Located on the Rhine river, the Ludwigshafen site receives many of its raw materials by ship. The company said it was unclear so far what caused the explosion. BASF is also unclear about the financial impact of the explosion.    

Impressions: 4768

20 Oct 2016
Top drugs by sales revenue in 2015: Who sold the biggest blockbuster drugs?
The year 2015 has gone down in history as a record year for mergers and acquisitions in the pharmaceutical and biotech space with deals worth US $ 300 billion being announced. The highlight of the year was the Pfizer-Allergan mega-merger – the biggest-ever pharma transaction worth more than US $ 160 billion.  Pharma Letter tracked transactions through the year and found the number of deals exceeding US $1 billion at 30 in 2015, as compared to 26 in 2014 and 20 in 2013. In all, a total of 166 M&A deals were announced in 2015 (out of which some are yet to be completed), compared to 137 in 2014.   This week, PharmaCompass brings you a compilation of the top drugs of 2015 by sales revenue and growth. Sofosbuvir – the outright winner of 2015 2015 was the year of Sofosbuvir – the revolutionary active ingredient used for the treatment of hepatitis. Together, through the sale of drugs Harvoni and Sovaldi, Sofosbuvir brought in sales of almost US $ 19 billion. The PharmaCompass prediction that Harvoni (a combination of Ledipasvir and Sofosbuvir; and used for the treatment of infectious diseases like hepatitis and HIV) would become the best-selling drug ever in 2015 fell slightly short of expectations as its sales of US $ 13.864 billion were marginally less than AbbVie’s rheumatoid arthritis treatment – Humira. Humira retained its place as the best-selling drug with US $ 14.012 billion in sales in 2015. However, with sales growth of US $ 11.737 billion in a single year, Harvoni is poised to become the best-selling drug by the end of 2016. Top 20 Drugs by Sales Here is PharmaCompass’ compilation of the best-selling drugs of 2015. This is based on information extracted from annual reports and US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) filings of major pharmaceutical companies. If you would like your own copy of all the information we’ve collected, email us at and we’ll send you an Excel version. Click here to access all the 2015 data (Excel version available) for FREE!   Product Active Ingredient Main Therapeutic Indication Company 2014 Revenue in Millions (USD) 2015 Revenue in Millions (USD) 2015 Sales Difference Millions (USD) 1 Humira Adalimumab Immunology (Organ Transplant, Arthritis etc.) AbbVie 12,543 14,012 1,469 2 Harvoni Ledipasvir and Sofosbuvir Infectious Diseases (HIV, Hepatitis etc.) Gilead Sciences 2,127 13,864 11,737 3 Enbrel Etanercept Immunology (Organ Transplant, Arthritis etc.) Amgen / Pfizer 4,688 8,697 4009 4 Remicade Infliximab Immunology (Organ Transplant, Arthritis etc.) Johnson & Johnson / Merck 6,868 8,355 1487 5 MabThera/Rituxan Rituximab Oncology Roche 5,659 7,115 1,456 6 Lantus Insulin Glargine Diabetes Sanofi 6,978 7,029 51 7 Avastin Bevacizumab Oncology Roche 6,481 6,751 270 8 Herceptin Trastuzumab Oncology Roche 6,338 6,603 265 9 Revlimid Lenalidomide Blood Related Disorders Celgene Corpoartion 4,980 5,801 821 10 Sovaldi Sofosbuvir Infectious Diseases (HIV, Hepatitis etc.) Gilead Sciences 10,283 5,276 (5,007) 11 Seretide / Advair Salmeterol Respiratory Disorders GlaxoSmithKline 6,005 5,227 (778) 12 Crestor Rosuvastatin Calcium Cardiovascular AstraZeneca 5,512 5,017 (495) 13 Lyrica Pregabalin Neuroscience and Mental Health Pfizer Inc. 5,168 4,839 (329) 14 Neulasta Pegfilgrastim Blood Related Disorders Amgen 4,596 4,715 119 15 Gleevec / Glivec Imatinib Oncology Novartis 4,746 4,658 (88) 16 Xarelto Rivaroxaban Anticoagulants Bayer / Johnson & Johnson 3,369 4,345 976 17 Copaxone Glatiramer Neuroscience and Mental Health Teva 4,237 4,023 (214) 18 Januvia Sitagliptin Diabetes Merck & Co 3,931 3,863 (68) 19 Abilify Aripiprazole Neuroscience and Mental Health Bristol-Myers Squibb/ Otsuka Holdings 6,485 3,804 (2681) 20 Tecfidera Dimethyl Fumarate Neuroscience and Mental Health Biogen 2,909 3,638 729 Click here to access all the 2015 data (Excel version available) for FREE! A year of record FDA approvals 2015 was also the year when the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved 45 novel drugs, another all-time record high. In January this year, PharmaCompass had compiled a list of novel drugs approved by the FDA in 2015. We also extensively covered the new dosage forms of existing drugs approved in 2015. Do go through the article published on January 14, 2016, for more information. PharmaCompass’ compilation of sales forecasts of novel drugs indicated a significant variation in estimates.  However, in our view, drugs that saw highest sales growth in 2015 are likely to do well this year as well. Top 20 drugs by sales growth (in USD, millions)   Product Active Ingredient Main Therapeutic Indication 2014 Revenue in Millions (USD) 2015 Revenue in Millions (USD) 2015 Sales Difference Millions (USD) 1 Harvoni Ledipasvir and Sofosbuvir Infectious Diseases (HIV, Hepatitis etc.) 2,127 13,864 11,737 2 Viekira Pak Ombitasvir/Paritaprevir/Ritonavir Infectious Diseases (HIV, Hepatitis etc.) 48 1,639 1,591 3 Humira Adalimumab Immunology (Organ Transplant, Arthritis etc.) 12,543 14,012 1,469 4 Hepatits C Franchise Daclatasvir and Asunaprevir Infectious Diseases (HIV, Hepatitis etc.) 256 1,603 1,347 5 Imbruvica Ibrutinib Chronic lymphocytic leukemia 200 1,443 1,243  6 Cubicin Daptomycin Anti-bacterial 25 1,127 1,102 7 Eliquis Apixaban Anticoagulants 774 1,860 1,086 8 Triumeq Abacavir, Dolutegravir and Lamivudine Infectious Diseases (HIV, Hepatitis etc.) - 1,037 1,037 9 Xarelto Rivaroxaban Anticoagulants 3,369 4,345 976 10 Opdivo Nivolumab Oncology 6 942 936 11 Revlimid Lenalidomide Blood Related Disorders 4,980 5,801 821 12 Tecfidera Dimethyl Fumarate Neuroscience and Mental Health 2,909 3,638 729 13 Xtandi Enzalutamide Oncology 480 1,207 727 14 Ibrance Palbociclib Oncology - 723 723 15 Invokana / Invokamet Canagliflozin Type 2 diabetes 586 1,308 722 16 Victoza Liraglutide Diabetes 2,014 2,704 690 17 Stribild Cobicistat, Elvitegravir, Emtricitabine and Tenofovir Disoproxil Fumarate Infectious Diseases (HIV, Hepatitis etc.) 1,197 1,825 628 18 Levemir Insulin Diabetes 2,133 2,745 612 19 Votrient Pazopanib Oncology 565 565 20 Perjeta Pertuzumab Oncology 927 1459 532   Hepatitis C products, which had three of the four highest sales growths in 2015, clearly show the impact these revolutionary treatments will have on the global healthcare landscape in time to come. Cancer immunotherapy treatments, a new generation of blood thinners and novel diabetes treatments were some of the others which demonstrated stellar growth in 2015. Vaccines from Pfizer and Sanofi also displayed tremendous sales growth although they have not been included in the compilation of drugs. Click here to access all the 2015 data (Excel version available) for FREE!   Sign Up, Stay Ahead While some companies like Boehringer and Valeant are yet to release their annual reports. In order to stay informed, do sign up for the PharmaCompass Newsletter and you will receive updated information as it becomes available along with a lot more industry analysis. Click here to access all the 2015 data (Excel version available) for FREE!   CORRECTION, April 12, 2016: An earlier version of this compilation did not account for cases where the same drug is sold by multiple companies (e.g. Enbrel, Remicade, Xarelto etc.). As an outcome, a re-ranking of the Top 20 Drugs by Sales and Sales Growth has been done.   

Impressions: 56938

10 Mar 2016
Who has the biggest one? Sales of the top pharma products by revenue.
We always knew math was fuzzy, but never imagined addition could get so complicated.  A recent publication on 2014 Global Prescription Medication Statistics listed the top pharmaceutical corporations by revenues, the best selling products along with the top therapy areas. The list, based on data published by IMS Health, caught us by surprise since a previous publication by FiercePharma had a completely different order when ranking the top 15 pharmaceutical companies.  As the difference in revenues of the top-10 companies was in excess of $60 billion and IMS Health’s data is an industry standard for decision making, we dug deeper to analyze the correlation between the information in the annual reports and IMS Health’s statistics. Which pharmaceutical company is the largest? Simply put, the answer is, ‘it depends’ on how you define a pharmaceutical company.  Should divisions like diagnostics, animal health, vaccines, consumer health be counted when determining the size of a pharmaceutical company? FiercePharma, in their analysis, used the total revenue of all divisions of the organizations to determine the largest organization; in their case it is Johnson & Johnson. IMS determines their numbers by measuring “prescription sales and dispensing” and hence, excludes divisions like diagnostics, consumer health and animal health, making Novartis the largest company. As currency exchange rate fluctuations have their own, big role, in determining the size of organizations, we believed it would be best to share the revenues, as presented, so that you can draw your own conclusions. Table 1/ Sales comparison for top pharmaceutical companies in 2014 from different sources (IMS, Fierce Pharma and Annual Reports)  Big Pharma IMS Rank IMS Sales (US $Mn) Fierce Pharma Rank Fierce Pharma Sales (US $Mn) Group Sales based on the Annual Report (Currency as reported, Mn)    Novartis 1 51,307 2 57,996 USD 57,996 Pfizer 2 44,929 4 49,605 USD 49,605 Sanofi 3 40,037 5 43,070 Euro 33,770 Roche 4 37,607 3 49,866 CHF 49,866 Merck & Co 5 36,550 6 42,237 USD 42,237 Johnson & Johnson 6 36,422 1 74,331 USD 74,331 AstraZeneca 7 33,313 8 26,095 USD 26,095 Glaxo SmithKline 8 31,470 7 37,960 GBP 23,006 Teva 9 26,001 11 20,272 USD 20,272 Gilead Sciences 10 23,673 10 24,474 USD 24,890 Amgen 11 20,473 12 20,063 USD 20,063 Lilly 12 19,909 14 19,615 USD 19,615 AbbVie 13 19,049 13 19,960 USD 19,960 Bayer 14 18,347 9 25,470 Euro 42,239 Bristol-Myers Squibb Not in Top 20 15 15,879 USD 15,879 NB: Mn is million Click here to access and download all the 2014 data (Excel version available) for FREE! Since each group has multiple divisions, we further split the sales for you to brainstorm: Table 2/ Sales comparison of the different divisions of top pharmaceutical companies in 2014 (Annual Reports in Mn)  Big Pharma Pharma Division Vaccine Division Generics Consumer Health Other Divisions Medical Devices/ Diagnostics Division Animal Health Division Divestures/ Other adjustments Novartis USD 31,791   Sandoz USD 9,562   Alcon USD 10,827     USD 5,816 Pfizer USD 45,708     USD 3,446 USD 451       Sanofi Euro 22,578 Euro 3,974 Euro 1,805 Euro 3,337     Euro 2,076   Roche CHF 38,969         CHF 10,897     Merck & Co USD 30,740 USD 5,302     USD 6,195       Johnson & Johnson USD 32,313     USD 14,496   USD 27,522     AstraZeneca USD 26,095               Glaxo SmithKline GBP 18,670     GBP 4,336         Teva USD 10,458   USD 9,814           Gilead Sciences USD 24,474             USD 416 Amgen USD 19,327       USD 736       Lilly USD 16,481       USD 788   USD 2,346   AbbVie USD 19,960               Bayer Euro 12,052     Euro 7,923       Euro 22,264 Bristol-Myers Squibb USD 15,879               Click here to access and download all the 2014 data (Excel version available) for FREE! Not sure that it adds any extra clarity on what should define a global pharmaceutical company… Since the various divisions make companies complicated to assess, what about product sales? The good news is that we have a winner!  Humira®, AbbVie’s monoclonal antibody Adalimumab, used to treat rheumatoid and other types of arthritis, is the highest selling product globally. IMS reported Humira’s annual sales for 2014 at $11,844 million, while AbbVie mentions their sales of Humira at $12,543 million, the difference: a mere $700 million! However, with IMS gathering data across various points of the supply chain, and the recent volatility of the currency markets, we believe that a difference of 5.5% of total sales is within range of reason. Unfortunately, things stopped making sense the moment we reached the number-two product on the IMS list. Lantus®, Sanofi’s insulin glargine, recorded sales of Euro 6,344 million (based on Sanofi’s 2014 annual report), while IMS mentions Lantus sales were $10,331 million last year. In addition, Sanofi has an 11% growth rate reported while IMS indicates a growth of 30%.   So unless the Euro/Dollar exchange rate moves back towards the 1.5 range, there seems to be a serious difference in the way the product sales are calculated by companies and by IMS.    Using information available in the annual reports and other company declarations, we attempted to compare IMS’ Top 20 Global Products 2014 with available public information, to only find more complications! Table 3/ Sales comparison of the top pharmaceutical products in 2014 (IMS vs Annual Reports) Products IMS Rank IMS Sales (US $Mn) Annual Reports Sales (US $Mn) Pharma Compass Rank Big Pharma Currency Annual Reports Sales in Mn Marketing Partner Marketing Partner Annual Report Sales (US $Mn) Humira® 1 11,844 12,543 1 Abbvie USD 12,543     Lantus® 2 10,331 7,676 5 Sanofi Euro 6,344     Sovaldi® 3 9,375 10,283 2 Gilead Sciences USD 10,283     Abilify® 4 9,285 7,556 6 Bristol Myers-Squibb USD 2,020 Otsuka 5,536 Enbrel®   5 8,707 8,538 4 Amgen USD 4,688 Pfizer 3,850 Seretide® 6 8,652 6,589 8 GSK GBP 4,229     Crestor® 7 8,473 5,512 11 AstraZeneca USD 5,512     Remicade®   8 8,097 9,880 3 Johnson & Johnson USD 6,868 Merck & Co. 2,372 Mitsubishi Tanabe 640 Nexium® 9 7,681 3,655 19 AstraZeneca USD 3,655     Mabthera®   10 6,552 6,936 7 Roche CHF 5,603 Roche 1,305 Avastin®   11 6,070 6,449 9 Roche CHF 6,417     Lyrica® 12 6,002 5,168 12 Pfizer USD 5,168     Herceptin®   13 5,564 6,306 10 Roche CHF 6,275     Spiriva® 14 5,483 3,917 17 Boehringer Euro 3,237     Januvia® 15 4,991 3,931 16 Merck & Co. USD 3,931     Copaxone® 16 4,788 4,237 14 Teva USD 4,237     Novorapid® 17 4,718 2,835 20 Novo Nordisk DKK 17,449     Neulasta® 18 4,627 4,596 13 Amgen USD 4,596     Symbicort® 19 4,535 3,801 18 AstraZeneca USD 3,801     Lucentis®   20 4,437 4,152 15 Novartis USD 2,441 Roche 1,711 Click here to access and download all the 2014 data (Excel version available) for FREE! It’s clear that the methods used to determine product sales are considerably different between IMS and the pharmaceutical companies, however there is a range of consistency as well. How accurate is each information really depends on the analyst’s point of view. Our take: With over $350 billion in total sales, we have provided our raw data for your review since we are certain that there are opportunities worth capitalizing upon and others, which may not be worthwhile to pursue. While the assessment of pharmaceutical sales is far more complicated than what we had originally imaged, the focus of Big Pharma on small molecules is on Hepatitis C drugs (Sofosbuvir,­ Olysio, AbbVie Hep C), blood thinners, Eliquis® (Apixaban), Xarelto®(Rivaroxaban) and of course ‘tinib’ cancer treatments. Table 4/ Growth of ‘tinib’ cancer treatments in 2014 (Annual Reports) Products Big Pharma Sales (US $Mn) 2013 Sales (US $Mn) 2014 Growth (%) Ibrutinib Pharmacyclics, Inc (now AbbVie) 14 492 3414% Dasatinib Bristol-Myers Squibb 1280 1493 17% Trametinib GSK 10 68 580% Nilotinib Novartis 1266 1529 21% Ruxolitinib Novartis 163 279 71% Ceritinib Novartis Not launched 31   Sunitinib Maleate Pfizer 1204 1174 -2% Crizotinib Pfizer 282 438 55% Axitinib Pfizer 319 410 29% Tofacitinib Citrate Pfizer 114 308 170% Click here to access and download all the 2014 data (Excel version available) for FREE! However, Big Pharma is now all about biologics. IMS’s data indicates that the top 10 products have only 5 biologics, while our calculations have 8 out of the top 10 products as biologics. The future strategy is best summed up by the statement in Bristol-Myers Squibb’s annual report “Just 5 years ago, we had about 40% of our development projects in biologics. If we look forward 3-5 years, we believe that number could potentially grow to about 75%”.  The barriers of entry for generic competition and potential windfalls have made rivals come together to co-market Synagis® (AbbVie & AstraZeneca), Remicade® (Johnson & Johnson, Merck and Tanabe), Xolair® and Lucentis® (Roche & Novartis). Our pharmaceutical whisper (phisper): join the bio-age or bio-degrade!  

Impressions: 12813

23 Apr 2015
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