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Also known as: 98-95-3, Nitrobenzol, Benzene, nitro-, Oil of mirbane, Mirbane oil, Essence of mirbane
Molecular Formula
Molecular Weight
123.11  g/mol
InChI Key

Nitrobenzene is a yellowish, oily, aromatic nitro-compound with an almond-like odor that emits toxic fumes of nitrogen oxides upon combustion. Nitrobenzene is primarily used in the manufacture of aniline, but is also used in the manufacture of lubricating oils, dyes, drugs, pesticides, and synthetic rubber. Exposure to nitrobenzene irritates the skin, eyes and respiratory tract and can result in methemoglobinemia causing fatigue, dyspnea, dizziness, disturbed vision, shortness of breath, collapse and even death. Nitrobenzene also damages the liver, spleen, kidneys and central nervous system. This substance is a possible mutagen and is reasonably anticipated to be a human carcinogen. (NCI05)
1 2D Structure


2 Identification
2.1 Computed Descriptors
2.1.1 IUPAC Name
2.1.2 InChI
2.1.3 InChI Key
2.1.4 Canonical SMILES
2.2 Other Identifiers
2.2.1 UNII
2.3 Synonyms
2.3.1 Depositor-Supplied Synonyms

1. 98-95-3

2. Nitrobenzol

3. Benzene, Nitro-

4. Oil Of Mirbane

5. Mirbane Oil

6. Essence Of Mirbane

7. Nitro-benzene

8. Oil Of Myrbane

9. Nitrobenzeen

10. Nitrobenzen

11. Mononitrobenzene

12. Essence Of Myrbane

13. Rcra Waste Number U169

14. 1-nitrobenzene

15. Nci-c60082

16. Nsc 9573

17. Benzene,nitro

18. Chebi:27798

19. Benzene-no2

20. E57jcn6ssy

21. Nsc-9573

22. Ncgc00091398-02

23. P-nitrobenzene

24. Dsstox_cid_964

25. Dsstox_rid_75892

26. Dsstox_gsid_20964

27. Nitrobenzeen [dutch]

28. Nitrobenzen [polish]

29. Caswell No. 600

30. Cas-98-95-3

31. Nbz

32. Ccris 2841

33. Hsdb 104

34. Einecs 202-716-0

35. Unii-e57jcn6ssy

36. Un1662

37. Rcra Waste No. U169

38. Epa Pesticide Chemical Code 056501

39. Nitro Benzene

40. P-nitrophenyl

41. 3-nitrobenzene

42. 4-nitrobenzene

43. Ai3-01239

44. Mono Nitro Benzene

45. Nitrobenzol, Liquid

46. Pnp, P-nitrophenol

47. Nitrobenzeen(dutch)

48. Nitrobenzen(polish)

49. Oxohydroxyphenylaminium

50. Phno2

51. Wln: Wnr

52. Nitrobenzene [mi]

53. Nitrobenzol, Liquid(dot)

54. Bmse000676

55. Epitope Id:117707

56. Ec 202-716-0

57. Nitrobenzene [hsdb]

58. Nitrobenzene [iarc]

59. Schembl20411

60. Ghl.pd_mitscher_leg0.646

61. Nitrobenzene [mart.]

62. Bidd:er0702

63. Chembl15750

64. Nitrobenzene, Lr, >=99%

65. Dtxsid3020964

66. Schembl11481750

67. Nitrobenzene, Analytical Standard

68. Nsc9573

69. Zinc896426

70. Benzene, Nitro-,homopolymer

71. Tox21_111127

72. Tox21_201750

73. Tox21_300508

74. Bdbm50352162

75. Mfcd00007043

76. Nitrobenzene [un1662] [poison]

77. Nitrobenzene, Reagentplus(r), 99%

78. Stl282724

79. Akos000120124

80. Nitrobenzene 10 Microg/ml In Methanol

81. Un 1662

82. Nitrobenzene 100 Microg/ml In Methanol

83. Nitrobenzene, Acs Reagent, >=99.0%

84. Ncgc00091398-01

85. Ncgc00091398-03

86. Ncgc00091398-04

87. Ncgc00254526-01

88. Ncgc00259299-01

89. 26969-40-4

90. Nitrobenzene 100 Microg/ml In Acetonitrile

91. Nitrobenzene, P.a., Acs Reagent, 99.0%

92. Nitrobenzene, Saj First Grade, >=99.0%

93. Ft-0613200

94. Ft-0619248

95. Ft-0622346

96. Hydroxy(phenyl)azane Oxide (acd/name 4.0)

97. N0758

98. Nitrobenzene, Jis Special Grade, >=99.5%

99. C06813

100. Nitrobenzene, Pestanal(r), Analytical Standard

101. A845934

102. Q407290

103. F0001-2324

2.4 Create Date
3 Chemical and Physical Properties
Molecular Weight 123.11 g/mol
Molecular Formula C6H5NO2
Hydrogen Bond Donor Count0
Hydrogen Bond Acceptor Count2
Rotatable Bond Count0
Exact Mass123.032028402 g/mol
Monoisotopic Mass123.032028402 g/mol
Topological Polar Surface Area45.8 Ų
Heavy Atom Count9
Formal Charge0
Isotope Atom Count0
Defined Atom Stereocenter Count0
Undefined Atom Stereocenter Count0
Defined Bond Stereocenter Count0
Undefined Bond Stereocenter Count0
Covalently Bonded Unit Count1
4 Drug and Medication Information
4.1 Minimum/Potential Fatal Human Dose

Mean lethal dose by mouth probably lies between 1 and 5 g.

Gosselin, R.E., R.P. Smith, H.C. Hodge. Clinical Toxicology of Commercial Products. 5th ed. Baltimore: Williams and Wilkins, 1984., p. II-214

5-10 mL of nitrobenzene (near 200 mg/kg bw) could be fatal in the absence of medical intervention.

WHO; Environmental Health Criteria 230: Nitrobenzene (2003)

5 Pharmacology and Biochemistry
5.1 Absorption, Distribution and Excretion

Extensive intestinal absorption of nitrobenzene has been demonstrated in experimental animals. For example, a total of six rabbits (sex and strain not stated) were administered (14C)nitrobenzene and unlabeled nitrobenzene at total doses of 200 mg/kg (two animals) and 250 mg/kg (three animals) by stomach tube. One animal was exposed to 400 mg/kg; however, it died after 2 days. Animals were kept in metabolic cages for 30 hours after dosing to permit the collection of feces, urine, and expired air. Exhaled derivatives were trapped in ethanol and/or CO2 absorbers. Thereafter, the animals were housed in open cages so that their urine and feces could be collected up to 10 days. By 4-5 days after dosing animals, the author found that nearly 70% of the radioactivity had been eliminated from the body. This included 1% of the radioactivity expired as CO2, 0.6% expired as nitrobenzene (up to 30 hours), 58% excreted as metabolites in the urine (up to 4-5 days), and 9% eliminated in the feces (up to 4-5 days).

US EPA; Toxicological Review of Nitrobenzene (CAS No. 98-95-3) In Support of Summary Information on the Integrated Risk Information System (IRIS). EPA/635/R-08/004Fp.5 (2009). Available from, as of October 26, 2009

Single oral doses of 22.5 or 225 mg/kg (14C)-labeled nitrobenzene were administered to male F344 (CDF[F344]/CrlBR), CD (Crl:CD[SD]BR), and axenic CDF(F344)/CrlGN rats and to male B6C3F1 (B6C3F1/Crl/BR) mice (225 mg/kg only). Animals were housed in metabolic cages for 72 hours after dosing to collect urine, feces, and expired air. In the conventional rats, 56-65% of the administered dose was recovered in the urine, with a maximum of 21.4% recovered in the feces. Six metabolites were found in the bile of conventional rats. Since the metabolites were absent from the bile of axenic rats, the authors concluded that the reduction of nitrobenzene at the nitro group that produced metabolites in conventional rats must have been initiated in the intestines. When corrected for overall recovery, these data provide intestinal absorption estimates of 62-69% in conventional rats. The estimate from the mouse data was lower (43%).

US EPA; Toxicological Review of Nitrobenzene (CAS No. 98-95-3) In Support of Summary Information on the Integrated Risk Information System (IRIS). EPA/635/R-08/004Fp.6 (2009). Available from, as of October 26, 2009

Data from a number of sources point to the capacity of nitrobenzene to penetrate the dermal barrier in humans. For example, human research subjects were placed in an exposure chamber containing nitrobenzene vapor for 6 hours, while receiving fresh air through a breathing tube and mask . The absorption rate per unit of concentration of nitrobenzene was highly variable (0.23 to 0.30 mg/hour per ug/L), depending on the nitrobenzene concentration in the chamber (5 to 30 ug/L) and whether the subject was dressed or naked. In naked subjects exposed to a chamber concentration of 10 ug/L nitrobenzene, the absorbed dose ranged from 10 to 19 mg compared with 8 to 16 mg in clothed subjects. Depending on the air concentration (5 to 30 ug/L), normal working clothes reduced the overall absorption of nitrobenzene by 20 to 30%.

US EPA; Toxicological Review of Nitrobenzene (CAS No. 98-95-3) In Support of Summary Information on the Integrated Risk Information System (IRIS). EPA/635/R-08/004Fp.7(2009). Available from, as of October 26, 2009

(14C)-labeled /nitrobenzene/ in acetone (4 ug/sq cm) /was applied/ to a 13 sq cm circular area of the ventral forearm surface of six subjects. The skin site was not protected and the subjects were asked not to wash the area for 24 hours. The authors also examined the elimination of nitrobenzene following intravenous administration as a comparison with the dermal absorption and elimination studies. For the skin absorption studies, the cumulative amounts of radiolabel measured in urine over 5 days amounted to approximately 1.53 + or - 0.84% of the load. The highest rate of absorption was monitored in the first 24-hour period after application, but excretion in the urine was still measurable between 96 and 120 hours after application. The absorption rate (percent dose per hour) over the 120-hour period was as follows: 0.022%/hour: 0 to 12 hours; 0.022%/hour: 12 to 24 hours; 0.013%/hour: 24 to 48 hours; 0.013%/hour: 48 to 72 hours; 0.011%/hour: 72 to 96 hours; and 0.006%/hour: 96 to 120 hours. Continued excretion of (14C)-label at the later time points may have represented redistribution of nitrobenzene or its metabolites from adipose tissue rather than continued absorption. Following intravenous administration of (14C)-nitrobenzene, 60.5% of the radioactive label was detected in the urine by 20 hours after administration. When corrected for the appearance of nitrobenzene in urine following an intravenous injection, an overall dermal absorption factor of approximately 2.6% was determined for nitrobenzene.

US EPA; Toxicological Review of Nitrobenzene (CAS No. 98-95-3) In Support of Summary Information on the Integrated Risk Information System (IRIS). EPA/635/R-08/004Fp.7-8 (2009). Available from, as of October 26, 2009

For more Absorption, Distribution and Excretion (Complete) data for NITROBENZENE (22 total), please visit the HSDB record page.

5.2 Metabolism/Metabolites

Metabolism of nitrobenzene in mammals involves both oxidation and reduction reactions. Evidence for this has come from the identification of potential products of nitrobenzene oxidation and reduction reactions in the urine of humans and animals that had been exposed to the compound. Oxidation products of nitrobenzene include o-, m-, and p-nitrophenol; reduction products of nitrobenzene include nitrosobenzene, phenylhydroxylamine, and aniline. The metabolites from aniline include the following oxidative metabolites: o-, m-, and p-aminophenol, nitrocatechols, and aniline. For all metabolites, involvement in phase II reactions is likely, and the formation and appearance of sulfated or glucuronidated conjugates has been demonstrated

US EPA; Toxicological Review of Nitrobenzene (CAS No. 98-95-3) In Support of Summary Information on the Integrated Risk Information System (IRIS). EPA/635/R-08/004Fp.10 (2009). Available from, as of October 26, 2009

The processes driving the metabolism of nitrobenzene in mammals display tissue specificity. Three primary mechanisms have been identified: reduction to aniline by intestinal microflora, reduction by hepatic microsomes and in erythrocytes, and oxidative metabolism by hepatic microsomes. First, nitrobenzene has been shown to undergo a three-step, two-electronsper-step transfer reduction to aniline in intestinal microflora. The intermediates in this process are nitrosobenzene and phenylhydroxylamine. Second, nitrobenzene undergoes a six-step, one-electron-per-step transfer reduction to aniline that takes place in hepatic microsomes and erythrocytes ... intermediates in the latter process include a nitro anion free radical, nitrosobenzene, an hydronitroxide free radical, phenylhydroxylamine, and a theoretical amino-cation free radical. The reductive intermediates have been shown to reverse chemically (ie, aniline can oxidize back towards nitrobenzene or any step in between), with the direction of flow depending on local redox potentials. .

US EPA; Toxicological Review of Nitrobenzene (CAS No. 98-95-3) In Support of Summary Information on the Integrated Risk Information System (IRIS). EPA/635/R-08/004Fp.10-1 (2009). Available from, as of October 26, 2009

The appearance of conjugated derivatives of nitrophenols in the urine of female giant chinchilla rabbits having received an oral dose of nitrobenzene (0.5 g in 25 mL water by stomach tube) implied that the compound can undergo oxidation reactions in addition to the more extensively characterized reduction reactions.

US EPA; Toxicological Review of Nitrobenzene (CAS No. 98-95-3) In Support of Summary Information on the Integrated Risk Information System (IRIS). EPA/635/R-08/004F p.22 (2009). Available from, as of October 26, 2009

The action of bacteria normally present in the small intestine of the rat is an important element in the formation of methemoglobin resulting from nitrobenzene exposure. Germ-free rats do not develop methemoglobinemia when intraperitoneally dosed with nitrobenzene ... When nitrobenzene (200 mg/kg bw in sesame oil) was intraperitoneally administered to normal Sprague-Dawley rats, 30-40% of the hemoglobin in the blood was converted to methemoglobin within 1-2 hr. When the same dose was administered to germ-free or antibiotic-pretreated rats, there was no measurable methemoglobin formation, even when measured up to 7 hr after treatment. The nitroreductase activities of various tissues (liver, kidney, gut wall) were not significantly different in germ-free and control rats, but the activity was negligible in gut contents from germ-free rats and high in control rats. This led the authors to suggest that a nitrobenzene metabolite such as aniline (which is formed by the bacterial reduction of nitrobenzene in the intestines of rats) is involved in methemoglobin formation. In addition, diet has been shown to play a role in the production of methemoglobin by influencing the intestinal microflora; the presence of pectin in the diets of rats was shown to increase the ability of orally administered nitrobenzene to induce methemoglobinemia. This was correlated with the increased in vitro reductive metabolism of (14C)nitrobenzene by the cecal contents of rats fed purified diets containing increasing amounts of pectin.

WHO; Environmental Health Criteria 230: Nitrobenzene (2003)

For more Metabolism/Metabolites (Complete) data for NITROBENZENE (30 total), please visit the HSDB record page.

5.3 Biological Half-Life

Whole body: 2 days; [TDR, p. 942]

TDR - Ryan RP, Terry CE, Leffingwell SS (eds). Toxicology Desk Reference: The Toxic Exposure and Medical Monitoring Index, 5th Ed. Washington DC: Taylor & Francis, 1999., p. 942

(14)C-Nitrobenzene /was injected/ intravenously into volunteers. Excretion in the urine was 60.5% of the dose over five days. The elimination half-life was 20 hours.

IARC. Monographs on the Evaluation of the Carcinogenic Risk of Chemicals to Humans. Geneva: World Health Organization, International Agency for Research on Cancer, 1972-PRESENT. (Multivolume work). Available at:, p. V65 392 (1996)

Measurement of nitrobenzene concn in blood of an acutely exposed person indicated that the cmpd is cumulative ... /and remains/ in human body for a prolonged period. There have been similar observations of persistence of 2 major urinary metabolites, p-aminophenol and p-nitrophenol, in patient streated for acute or subacute poisoning. Because of slow rate of nitrobenzene metabolism in humans, concn of p-nitrophenol in urine incr for approx 4 days during exposure, eventually reaching a value 2.5 times that found during the first day. Half-life for urinary excretion of p-nitrophenol from humans after single dose was approx 60 hr; 84 hr was observed in female who attempted suicide ... Urinary metabolites in humans account for only 20% or 30% of nitrobenzene dose.

National Research Council. Drinking Water & Health, Volume 4. Washington, DC: National Academy Press, 1981., p. 226

5.4 Mechanism of Action

Methemoglobinemia, which may be defined as a metHb concentration exceeding 2-3% of total Hb, arises when the rate of metHb formation exceeds the rate of reduction of oxidized heme iron, and it can develop by three distinct mechanisms: genetic mutation resulting in the presence of abnormal Hb, a deficiency of metHb reductase enzyme, and toxin-induced oxidation of Hb. Small amounts of metHb are continually produced due to autoxidation of Hb during the normal respiratory function of loading and unloading of oxygen by erythrocytes. A variety of xenobiotics, including nitrobenzene and aromatic amines, can cause methemoglobinemia by accelerating the oxidation of Hb to metHb, which loses its ability to combine reversibly with oxygen

US EPA; Toxicological Review of Nitrobenzene (CAS No. 98-95-3) In Support of Summary Information on the Integrated Risk Information System (IRIS). EPA/635/R-08/004Fp.12 (2009). Available from, as of October 26, 2009

The particular redox chemistry associated with nitrobenzene metabolism in red blood cells (RBCs) is of special interest because of its association with the development of methemoglobinemia. ...An association of metHb formation with the reduction of nitrobenzene to nitrosobenzene, phenylhydroxylamine, and aniline by nitroreductases present within intestinal microflora /has been observed/. Moreover, in vitro incubation of RBCs with nitrobenzene does not result in the formation of metHb. Taken together, these findings suggest that it is the presence and cycling of the reductive products of nitrobenzene within RBCs that cause the conversion of oxyhemoglobin (oxyHb) to metHb. ... The primary metabolic event in the formation of metHb (Fe3+) from oxyHb (Fe2+) as a result of nitrobenzene exposure is the cycling between phenylhydroxylamine and nitrosobenzene.

US EPA; Toxicological Review of Nitrobenzene (CAS No. 98-95-3) In Support of Summary Information on the Integrated Risk Information System (IRIS). EPA/635/R-08/004F p.21-2 (2009). Available from, as of October 26, 2009

In acute ... and subchronic studies in rodents ..., lesions in the brain stem and cerebellum were the most life-threatening toxic effects seen. In severe methemoglobinemia arising from extensive nitrobenzene poisoning, central nervous system effects may be predicted on the basis of hypoxia alone. It has also been hypothesized that these lesions might represent a hepatic encephalopathy secondary to the liver toxicity of nitrobenzene ... Other results suggest that it is possible that brain parenchymal damage may have resulted from anoxia or hypoxia due to vascular damage or decreased blood flow to affected areas ... Another possible mechanism for the central nervous system damage is the formation of superoxide radicals or toxic hydroxyl radicals generated from hydrogen peroxide ... Evidence has been adduced to indicate that the ability of a related compound, dinitrobenzene, to cause cell death in in vitro co-cultures of rat brain astrocytes and brain capillary endothelial cells (a blood-brain barrier model) is at least partly due to the generation of hydroxyl radicals in the culture.

WHO; Environmental Health Criteria 230: Nitrobenzene (2003)

... Cecal contents obtained and incubated in an anaerobic environment are capable of reducing nitrobenzene. Incubation of radioactive nitrobenzene with isolated rat hepatocytes under aerobic conditions produces no metabolites detectable by counting fractions of eluate from a high pressure liquid chromatographic system and no measurable disappearance of the parent compound. ... Conventional rats excrete an oral dose of nitrobenzene in the urine as an unknown metabolite, p-hydroxyacetanilide-sulfate, p-nitrophenol-sulfate, and m-nitrophenol-sulfate. /It was/ concluded that it is clear that metabolism by both mammalian and bacterial enzyme systems is important to the expression of toxicity of nitroaromatic compounds.

Rickert DE; Mammalian and Bacterial Metabolism of Nitroaromatic Compounds; p.87-101 (1985)

For more Mechanism of Action (Complete) data for NITROBENZENE (6 total), please visit the HSDB record page.


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