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Company profile for Claris Lifesciences Limited

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Claris Lifesciences is an Indian sterile injectables pharmaceutical company with a market presence across 100 countries worldwide. We primarily manufacture and market products across multiple markets, and therapeutic segments. A significant majority of these products are generic drugs that are capable of being directly injected into the human body and are predominantly used in the treatment of critical illnesses. Our products ...
Claris Lifesciences is an Indian sterile injectables pharmaceutical company with a market presence across 100 countries worldwide. We primarily manufacture and market products across multiple markets, and therapeutic segments. A significant majority of these products are generic drugs that are capable of being directly injected into the human body and are predominantly used in the treatment of critical illnesses. Our products range across various therapeutic segments, including anesthesia, critical care, renal care, enteral nutrition and oncology. We offer injectables in various delivery systems, such as glass bottles, vials, ampoules, and non-PVC/PVC bags. Our customer base primarily includes government and private hospitals, aid agencies, and nursing homes. We have three manufacturing facilities at a campus located in Ahmedabad, India. Certain of these facilities have been approved by foreign regulatory authorities including the USFDA, MHRA (UK), TGA (Australia), NAM (Finland), GCC FDCA (Gulf Co-operation Council including Saudi Arabia, U.A.E. and other countries in the Middle East), ANVISA (Brazil) and INVIMA (Colombia). Our manufacturing capabilities have received several awards from prestigious institutions like IDMA (Indian Drug Manufacturers' Association) and Frost & Sullivan. Our capabilities and experience span across all business verticals in the generic injectables industry. We have a trained workforce across business functions, such as R&D for product development, regulatory affairs for obtaining product registrations, manufacturing, and sales and marketing.

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Claris Lifesciences Limited
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Claris Corporate Headquarters Nr. Parimal Crossing, Ellisbridge, Ahmedabad - 380 006

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