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Company profile for Nang Kuang Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd.

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Nang Kuang, founded in 1963, is a leading pharmaceutical company in Taiwan, with almost 50 year history ,esp. in production of injectable, with key products including large volume parenterals ( LVP; PP-soft bag), aseptic parenterals (Ampoule、Vial) 、lyophilized injection、Pre-filled syringe and also tablets(including film coating ) 、capsules、topical products、oral suspensions. Accredited with superior product quality,...
Nang Kuang, founded in 1963, is a leading pharmaceutical company in Taiwan, with almost 50 year history ,esp. in production of injectable, with key products including large volume parenterals ( LVP; PP-soft bag), aseptic parenterals (Ampoule、Vial) 、lyophilized injection、Pre-filled syringe and also tablets(including film coating ) 、capsules、topical products、oral suspensions. Accredited with superior product quality, innovative technology, and outstanding production capacity, Nang Kuang has become the largest injectable manufacturer in the country. With annual sales approximately 800 million NT dollars (approx. US $25 million) and an existing workforce of close to 330 employees, Nang Kuang company had gone public in Taiwan 2009. Nang Kuang has been certified by the Taiwan Bureau of Health with respect to cGMP、PIC/S GMP(whole factory) compliance and was also granted ISO14001、TIPS(Taiwan Intellectual Property Scheme) certification along with many export product licenses(we are first to export injectable medicine to Japan market successfully, in 10 years ago). The high quality of our exported products has earned Nang Kuang an excellent reputation from our clients all over the world. Our company has developed a global business strategy for exploring market opportunities in Japan, China, and southeast Asian countries. Co-marketing arrangements with many pharmaceutical companies in Europe and United States have also been established.

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Nang Kuang Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd.
China Flag
No.1001, Zhongshan Rd., Xinhua Dist., Tainan City 71243, Taiwan (R.O.C.)

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