TABLET;ORAL-28 - 0.02MG;1MG, TABLET;ORAL-21 - 0.03MG;1.5MG, TABLET;ORAL-21 - 0.03MG;1.5MG, TABLET;ORAL-21 - 0.02MG;1MG **Federal Register determination that product was not discontinued or withdrawn for safety or effectiveness reasons**, TABLET;ORAL-21 - 0.02MG,0.03MG,0.035MG;1MG,1MG,1MG **Federal Register determination that product was not discontinued or withdrawn for safety or effectiveness reasons**, TABLET;ORAL - 0.02MG;1MG **Federal Register determination that product was not discontinued or withdrawn for safety or effectiveness reasons**, INJECTABLE, TABLET;INTRAMUSCULAR, ORAL - 11.25MG/VIAL,N/A;N/A,5MG, INJECTABLE, TABLET;INTRAMUSCULAR, ORAL - 3.75MG/VIAL,N/A;N/A,5MG, CAPSULE;ORAL - 0.02MG;1MG, TABLET, CHEWABLE, TABLET;ORAL - 0.01MG,0.01MG,N/A;1MG,N/A,N/A, FILM, EXTENDED RELEASE;TRANSDERMAL - 0.05MG/24HR;0.14MG/24HR, FILM, EXTENDED RELEASE;TRANSDERMAL - 0.05MG/24HR;0.25MG/24HR, TABLET;ORAL - 0.5MG;0.1MG **Federal Register determination that product was not discontinued or withdrawn for safety or effectiveness reasons**, TABLET;ORAL - 1MG;0.5MG, TABLET;ORAL - 0.0025MG;0.5MG, TABLET;ORAL - 0.005MG;1MG **Federal Register determination that product was not discontinued or withdrawn for safety or effectiveness reasons**, TABLET;ORAL - 0.02MG;1MG **Federal Register determination that product was not discontinued or withdrawn for safety or effectiveness reasons**, TABLET;ORAL - 0.01MG,0.01MG;1MG,N/A