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01 1Injectable / Parenteral
02 1Tablet
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01 2India
Dosage Form : Injectable / Parenteral, Tablet
Grade : Oral, Parenteral
Application : Controlled & Modified Release, Parenteral
Pharmacopoeia Ref : NA
Technical Specs : Nano-particles, ultrapure, low-monomer & powder grades, viscosity range from 0.08 to 1.4 dL/g, ester/acid end group
Ingredient(s) : Poly DL Lactide
Dosage Form : Injectable / Parenteral, Tablet
Grade : Oral, Parenteral
Ingredient(s) : Poly DL Lactide
Dosage Form : Injectable / Parenteral, Tablet
Category : Controlled & Modified Release, Parenteral
Brand : PDLLA
Pharmacopoeia Ref : NA
Technical Specs : Nano-particles, ultrapure, low-monomer & powder grades, viscosity range from 0.08 to 1.4 dL/g, ester/acid end group
Grade : Oral, Parenteral