21 May 2020
BP Grade Doxycycline HCl (1 MT) API needed in Bangladesh [ENA07361]
Nest International, a trading company that deals in APIs, packaging materials, machines is looking for suppliers of BP Grade Doxycycline HCl (1 MT) API for their client Essential Drugs Company Ltd. (EDCL). Interested suppliers can contact them via their email: nestjahir14@gmail.com.
Dear Friend,
Please contact on the following emails for quotation.
Thanks and Regards,
Dr. Amna Nawaz
M: +92-321-8484135 (Whatsapp)
Skype: Crystalchemicals786
E: sales@crystalchemicals.com.pk, import@crystalchemicals.com.pk
W: www.crystalchemicals.com.pk
19:44, 27 May 2020