13 Feb 2019
Colistin Sodium API needed in Italy [ENA03421]
The leading Italian ophthalmic company focused on research & development to manufacturing and commercialization both in the pharmaceutical and biomedical sectors is looking for suppliers of Colistin Sodium API for domestic consumption.
Dear Sir / Madam,
Please contact on the following emails for quotation.
Thanks and Regards,
Amna Nawaz (Pharmacist) | (Product & Source Development Manager)
Head Office: 367 Karim Block -
Allama Iqbal Town, Lahore - 54570 - Pakistan
T: +92-42-3541 41 30
M: +92-321-8484135 (Whatsapp)
Skype: Crystalchemicals786
E: import@crystalchemicals.com.pk, sales@crystalchemicals.com.pk
W: www.crystalchemicals.com.pk
23:43, 13 Feb 2019
we can support you
20:28, 17 Feb 2019