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Last Updated on PharmaCompass | Virtual Booth | Country | Registrant Name | MF Registration No. | Classification | Initial Date of Reg. | Latest Date of Reg. | Registrant's Address |
26/09/2024 | Synbiotics |
India |
Synbiotics Limited | 222MF10230 | Amphotericin B | 2010-09-16 | 2010-09-16 | Plot No. 570,571,576A, Maitry Marg, ECP Canal Road, Village-LUNA, Ta. Padra, Dist. Vadodara, Gujarat, India |
26/09/2024 | Xellia Pharmaceuticals ApS |
Denmark |
Xellia Pharmaceuticals ApS | 303MF10154 | Amphotericin B | 2021-09-28 | 2023-10-04 | Dalslandsgade 11, DK-2300 Copenhagen-S, Denmark |