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Last Updated on PharmaCompass Virtual Booth Country Registrant Name MF Registration No. Classification Initial Date of Reg. Latest Date of Reg. Registrant's Address
26/09/2024 ACS DOBFAR SPA
ACS DOBFAR S. p. A. 228MF10054 Sulbactam Sodium (sterile) 2016-02-18 2024-02-07 Viale Addetta, 4/12, 20067 Tribiano (Milan) Italy
26/09/2024 Farmastur 2010, S.L.
Eumedica Pharmaceuticals Industries 220MF10060 SULBACTAM SODIUM 2008-02-25 2021-07-09 Poligono Industrial de Silvota, parcelas 22B-23 E-33192 Silvota, Llanera-Asturias (Spain)