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Last Updated on PharmaCompass Virtual Booth Country Registrant Name Registration No. Compound Registration Date Manufacturer Manufacturer's Country Manufacturer's Address
28/09/2024 HealthTech BioActives
Sungjin Exim Co., Ltd. 20210323-211-J-904 Diosmin 2021-03-23 HealthTech Bio Actives, SLU Spain Ctra. De Zeneta 143-145 El Raiguero - La Villa 30130 Beniel (Murcia) Spain
28/09/2024 Bordas
Toru Corporation 20231211-211-J-1547(A) Diosmin 2024-07-25 Destilaciones Bordas Chinchurreta, SA Spain C/Acueducto. 4-6 Pol. Ind. Carretera La Isla, 41703 Dos Hermanas (Sevilla), Spain