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Last Updated on PharmaCompass Virtual Booth Country Registrant Name Registration No. Compound Registration Date Manufacturer Manufacturer's Country Manufacturer's Address
28/09/2024 Axplora
Samoh Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. 20210409-211-J-738 megestrol acetate 2021-04-09 Farmabios SpA@Micro-Macinazione SA@IMS srl@Micro-Macinazione SA Germany Via Pavia 1-27027 Gropello Cairoli (PV), Italy@Zona Artigianale 11, 6995 Madonna del Piano, Switzerland@Via Venezia Giulia 23, 20157 Milano@Via Cantonale 4, 6998 Monteggio, Switzerland
28/09/2024 Pfizer Inc
Bansen Co., Ltd. 20221114-211-J-1329 megestrol acetate 2022-11-14 Pharmacia & Upjohn Company LLC U.S.A 7000 Portage Road, Kalamazoo, Michigan 49001 USA