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List of Inosine Pranobex Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient (API) suppliers/manufacturers & exporters

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01 ICE Pharma (1)

02 Allastir (1)

03 BOC Sciences (1)

04 Medilux Laboratories (1)


01 Inosine Pranobex (4)


01 India (2)

02 Italy (1)

03 U.S.A (1)

- About The Company
ICE Pharma's core business includes the manufacture of active pharmaceutical ingredients, the most important of which is Ursodeoxycholic Acid (UDCA), used to treat liver diseases and gallstones. The company develops and manuf...
ICE Pharma's core business includes the manufacture of active pharmaceutical ingredients, the most important of which is Ursodeoxycholic Acid (UDCA), used to treat liver diseases and gallstones. The company develops and manufactures a range of bile acid derivatives that are used as excipients, nutraceutical ingredients, cell culture media, and intermediates. ICE Pharma also provides contract manufacturing services for liquid and solid finished dosage forms for branded and generic products. Since October 2019, ICE Pharma has been owned by Advent International, one of the largest and most experienced global private equity investors.
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- About The Company
Allastir instituted the services in 2010 with a motive to cater the pharmaceutical industry with niche API's. In Allastir we strongly believe in team work and customer satisfaction. Allastir is backed by the strong R&D team w...
Allastir instituted the services in 2010 with a motive to cater the pharmaceutical industry with niche API's. In Allastir we strongly believe in team work and customer satisfaction. Allastir is backed by the strong R&D team who are passionate about what they do. We manufacture niche API's with high quality which are suitable for formulations like tablets, capsules, soft gelatins and oral liquids.To be the larder to develop innovative niche molecule to the health care industry for the betterment of human life.Our Vision is to be the Number ONE company in Health care Industry in the World.
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- About The Company
BOC Sciences is a brand of BOCSCI Inc. We leverage our wide spectrum of business in the fields of development, manufacturing, marketing, and distribution to help you make best-informed decisions tailored to your evolving need...
BOC Sciences is a brand of BOCSCI Inc. We leverage our wide spectrum of business in the fields of development, manufacturing, marketing, and distribution to help you make best-informed decisions tailored to your evolving needs for premium chemicals. Our complete suite of CRO services spans the entire molecule development pipeline including contract research for target identification, building blocks, compound synthesis, biochemical and cellular analysis, preclinical animal tests, and clinical studies.
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- About The Company
Medilux Laboratories has been providing quality back-end support to the pharmaceutical industry since our inception in 1988. Our resources are dedicated to promoting better health through products that offer superior value. L...
Medilux Laboratories has been providing quality back-end support to the pharmaceutical industry since our inception in 1988. Our resources are dedicated to promoting better health through products that offer superior value. Located in Pithampur, Madhya Pradesh, Medilux Laboratories is committed to strategic research, delivering a complex range of globally benchmarked chemistries. Our products and services are rapidly making strides in the global pharmaceutical space, giving us the impetus to constantly strive for excellence and provide quality customer service.
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Looking for 36703-88-5 / Inosine Pranobex API manufacturers, exporters & distributors?

Inosine Pranobex manufacturers, exporters & distributors 1


PharmaCompass offers a list of Inosine Pranobex API manufacturers, exporters & distributors, which can be sorted by GMP, USDMF, JDMF, KDMF, CEP (COS), WC, Price,and more, enabling you to easily find the right Inosine Pranobex manufacturer or Inosine Pranobex supplier for your needs.

Send us enquiries for free, and we will assist you in establishing a direct connection with your preferred Inosine Pranobex manufacturer or Inosine Pranobex supplier.

PharmaCompass also assists you with knowing the Inosine Pranobex API Price utilized in the formulation of products. Inosine Pranobex API Price is not always fixed or binding as the Inosine Pranobex Price is obtained through a variety of data sources. The Inosine Pranobex Price can also vary due to multiple factors, including market conditions, regulatory modifications, or negotiated pricing deals.

API | Excipient name

Inosine Pranobex


Isoprinosine, 36703-88-5, Inosiplex, Delimmun, Methisoprinol, Imunovir

Cas Number


Unique Ingredient Identifier (UNII)


About Inosine Pranobex

An alkylamino-alcohol complex of inosine used in the treatment of a variety of viral infections. Unlike other antiviral agents, it acts by modifying or stimulating cell-mediated immune processes rather than acting on the virus directly.

Inosine Pranobex Manufacturers

A Inosine Pranobex manufacturer is defined as any person or entity involved in the manufacture, preparation, processing, compounding or propagation of Inosine Pranobex, including repackagers and relabelers. The FDA regulates Inosine Pranobex manufacturers to ensure that their products comply with relevant laws and regulations and are safe and effective to use. Inosine Pranobex API Manufacturers are required to adhere to Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) to ensure that their products are consistently manufactured to meet established quality criteria.

click here to find a list of Inosine Pranobex manufacturers with USDMF, JDMF, KDMF, CEP, GMP, COA and API Price related information on PhamaCompass.

Inosine Pranobex Suppliers

A Inosine Pranobex supplier is an individual or a company that provides Inosine Pranobex active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) or Inosine Pranobex finished formulations upon request. The Inosine Pranobex suppliers may include Inosine Pranobex API manufacturers, exporters, distributors and traders.

click here to find a list of Inosine Pranobex suppliers with USDMF, JDMF, KDMF, CEP, GMP, COA and API Price related information on PharmaCompass.

Inosine Pranobex Manufacturers | Traders | Suppliers

Inosine Pranobex Manufacturers, Traders, Suppliers 1

We have 4 companies offering Inosine Pranobex

Get in contact with the supplier of your choice:

  1. ICE Pharma
  2. Allastir
  3. BOC Sciences
  4. Medilux Laboratories
Inform the supplier about your product requirements, specifying if you need a product with particular monograph like EP (Ph. Eur.), USP, JP, BP, or any other quality. In addition, clarify whether you need hydrochloride (HCl), anhydricum, base, micronisatum or a specific level of purity. To find reputable suppliers, utilize the filters and select those certified by GMP, FDA, or any other certification as per your requirement.
For your convenience, we have listed synonyms and CAS numbers to help you find the best supplier. The use of synonyms and CAS numbers can be helpful in identifying potential suppliers, but it is crucial to note that they might not always indicate the exact same product. It is important to confirm the product details with the supplier before making a purchase to ensure that it meets your requirements.
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