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List of Proteina Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient (API) suppliers/manufacturers & exporters

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01 Aspen API (1)

02 Symbiotec Pharmalab (1)

03 AASraw Biochemical Technology Co., Ltd (1)


01 Dihydrotestosterone (3)


01 China (1)

02 India (1)

03 Netherlands (1)

- About The Company
Aspen API is the cooperative entity formed by Aspen Oss in the Netherlands and Fine Chemicals Corporation in South Africa. With quality, compliance, and teamwork at its core, Aspen API works tirelessly to deliver top-quality ...
Aspen API is the cooperative entity formed by Aspen Oss in the Netherlands and Fine Chemicals Corporation in South Africa. With quality, compliance, and teamwork at its core, Aspen API works tirelessly to deliver top-quality APIs to clients worldwide. Aspen API has a portfolio of over 58 high-quality APIs, including high potency, oncology, peptides, narcotics, analgesics, botanical extractions, and biochemicals. Aspen API places a strong emphasis on sustainability. It employs eco-friendly technologies and solvents in its chemical processes, ensuring responsible and environmentally conscious manufacturing.
- About The Company
Symbiotec, a leading API manufacturing company based in Indore, Central India, specializes in Cortico-Steroids and Steroid-Hormone APIs. Since 1995, their focus on R&D, sustainable operations, and innovation has driven their ...
Symbiotec, a leading API manufacturing company based in Indore, Central India, specializes in Cortico-Steroids and Steroid-Hormone APIs. Since 1995, their focus on R&D, sustainable operations, and innovation has driven their commitment to improving global healthcare access. With a state-of-the-art manufacturing facility inaugurated in 2004, Symbiotec has become a trusted provider in the industry. Their certifications including WHO-GMP, ISO, US FDA, and EU GMP showcase their dedication to quality and excellence. Over two decades, they've maintained their position through adaptability, efficiency, and competitive pricing.
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- About The Company
Aasraw Biochemical Technology Co.,ltd was reorganized by a Shanghai based Biochemical Engineering Laboratory in 2008, which was built by 5 Chinese Ph. Doctors, who are majored at Chemical Engineering in University of Tulsa, O...
Aasraw Biochemical Technology Co.,ltd was reorganized by a Shanghai based Biochemical Engineering Laboratory in 2008, which was built by 5 Chinese Ph. Doctors, who are majored at Chemical Engineering in University of Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA. The new born AASraw gained more investment and attracted more top genius guys in the biochemical industry. There are more advantaged equipment and instruments to be being adopted for analyzing, testing, Synthesis, etc., for example, DSC, GV, HPLC, UV, RV, etc. Till now, there are more than 20 key technology engineers. The fixed assets is more than USD30 million.
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Looking for 521-18-6 / Dihydrotestosterone API manufacturers, exporters & distributors?

Dihydrotestosterone manufacturers, exporters & distributors 1


PharmaCompass offers a list of Dihydrotestosterone API manufacturers, exporters & distributors, which can be sorted by GMP, USDMF, JDMF, KDMF, CEP (COS), WC, Price,and more, enabling you to easily find the right Dihydrotestosterone manufacturer or Dihydrotestosterone supplier for your needs.

Send us enquiries for free, and we will assist you in establishing a direct connection with your preferred Dihydrotestosterone manufacturer or Dihydrotestosterone supplier.

PharmaCompass also assists you with knowing the Dihydrotestosterone API Price utilized in the formulation of products. Dihydrotestosterone API Price is not always fixed or binding as the Dihydrotestosterone Price is obtained through a variety of data sources. The Dihydrotestosterone Price can also vary due to multiple factors, including market conditions, regulatory modifications, or negotiated pricing deals.

API | Excipient name



Stanolone, 521-18-6, Andractim, Anabolex, Androlone, Neodrol

Cas Number


Unique Ingredient Identifier (UNII)


About Dihydrotestosterone

A potent androgenic metabolite of TESTOSTERONE. It is produced by the action of the enzyme 3-OXO-5-ALPHA-STEROID 4-DEHYDROGENASE.

Proteina Manufacturers

A Proteina manufacturer is defined as any person or entity involved in the manufacture, preparation, processing, compounding or propagation of Proteina, including repackagers and relabelers. The FDA regulates Proteina manufacturers to ensure that their products comply with relevant laws and regulations and are safe and effective to use. Proteina API Manufacturers are required to adhere to Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) to ensure that their products are consistently manufactured to meet established quality criteria.

click here to find a list of Proteina manufacturers with USDMF, JDMF, KDMF, CEP, GMP, COA and API Price related information on PhamaCompass.

Proteina Suppliers

A Proteina supplier is an individual or a company that provides Proteina active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) or Proteina finished formulations upon request. The Proteina suppliers may include Proteina API manufacturers, exporters, distributors and traders.

click here to find a list of Proteina suppliers with USDMF, JDMF, KDMF, CEP, GMP, COA and API Price related information on PharmaCompass.

Proteina Manufacturers | Traders | Suppliers

Proteina Manufacturers, Traders, Suppliers 1

We have 3 companies offering Proteina

Get in contact with the supplier of your choice:

  1. Aspen API
  2. Symbiotec Pharmalab
  3. AASraw Biochemical Technology Co., Ltd
Inform the supplier about your product requirements, specifying if you need a product with particular monograph like EP (Ph. Eur.), USP, JP, BP, or any other quality. In addition, clarify whether you need hydrochloride (HCl), anhydricum, base, micronisatum or a specific level of purity. To find reputable suppliers, utilize the filters and select those certified by GMP, FDA, or any other certification as per your requirement.
For your convenience, we have listed synonyms and CAS numbers to help you find the best supplier. The use of synonyms and CAS numbers can be helpful in identifying potential suppliers, but it is crucial to note that they might not always indicate the exact same product. It is important to confirm the product details with the supplier before making a purchase to ensure that it meets your requirements.
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