A consulting company based out of Portugal is looking for Europen/FDA/WHO GMP suppliers of various finished formulations.
39. Etomidate 2mg/ml Injection (10ml)- 5,000 Ampoules
40. Isoflurane (B/250ml)- 3,000 vials
41. Lignocaine HCl 2% (V/50ml)- 20,000
42. Midazolam HCl 1mg/ml (Amp/5ml)- 42,000 Ampoule
43. Phenylephrine 10mg/ml- 3,000 Ampoule
44. Propofol Injection 10mg/mL Vial/20ml- 2,000 vials
45. Suxamethonium Chloride 50mg/ml - 30,000
46. Sevoflurane Gas (250ml)- 3,000 units
47. Vecuronium10mg/ml injection- 2,000 Ampoule
48. Sodium Bicarbonate 8.5% injection- 10,000
49. Neostigmine 2.5mg/ml-10,000 Ampoules
50. Morphine injection- 100,000 Ampoules
51. Morphine tablets 10mg- 20,000 units
52. Pethidine 50mg/ml inj- 360,000 Ampoule
53. Indomethacin suppositories- 15,000
54. Benzhexol 5mg tablets- 10,000 units
55. Carbamazepine 200mg tablets- 50,000 units
56. Chlorpromazine 25mg tablets- 15,000 units
57. Chlorpromazine 100mg tablets- 15,000 units
58. Diazepam 5mg tablets- 7,000 units
59. Chlorpromazine injection- 80,000 Ampoules
60. Diazepam injection- 80,000 Ampoules
61. Fluphenazine deconoate injections- 100,000 Ampoule
62. Risperidone 1mg tablets- 6,000 units
63. Sulpiride 200mg tablets- 6,000 units
64. Trifluoperazine 5mg tablets- 5,000 units
65. Haloperidol 500mg tablets- 6,000 units
66. Haloperidol injection- 2,000 Ampoules
67. Lamotrigine 25mg tablets- 5000 units
68. Clonazepam 1mg tablets- 3,000 units
69. Sodium Valproate 200mg tablets- 3000 units
70. Phenytoin 100mg tablets- 8,000 units
71. Phenytoin injection- 3,000 Ampoules
72. Amitriptyline 25mg tablets- 8,000 units
73. Fluoxetine 20mg tablets- 8,000 units
06 Jan 2020


06 Jan 2020

A Mauritian Ministry of Health & Quality of life is looking for formulation suppliers for the tender. Mentioned below formulations are required with following registrations: EMA /Australian TGA/USFDA/SAHPRA/Health Canada/Singapore HAS/PIC country/ GCC country/ PBM/ Manufacturing site present either on the EUDRA / USFDA database. The shipment is needed through air.
1. Alprazolam 0.5 mg Tabs (in strip/blister pack)- Qty: 233,000
2. Carbamazepine 400 mg Tabs SR (in strip/blister pack or in box of loose tabs up to 100)- Qty: 270,000
3. Chlordiazepoxide 5 mg Tabs/Caps (in strip/blister pack)- Qty: 30,000
4. Chlorpromazine HCl Inj. (25 mg/ml x 2 ml))- Qty: 7,000
5. Either Chlorpromazine HCl (25 mg/ml Oral Solution x 100-200 ml) or Chlorpromazine HCl (5 mg/ml Oral Solution x 100-200 ml)- Qty: 35
6. Clonazepam Drops (2.5 mg/ml x 10 ml)- Qty: 4,000
7. Clonazepam 2 mg Tabs/ Caps (in strip/blister pack)- Qty: 36,000
8. Co-Beneldopa 125 mg Tabs/Caps (Levodopa 100 mg + Benserazide 25 mg) (in strip/blister pack or in box of loose tabs/caps up to 100)- Qty: 100,000
9. Co-Careldopa 275 mg Tabs/Caps (Levodopa 250 mg + Carbidopa 25 mg) (in strip/blister pack or in box of loose tabs/caps up to 100)- Qty: 650,000
10. Diazepam 5 mg Tabs/Caps (in strip/blister pack)- Qty: 130,000
11. Diazepam Inj. (IM/IV 5 mg/ml x 2 ml)- Qty: 6,000
12. Donepezil 5 mg Tabs/Caps (in strip/blister pack)- Qty: 96,000
13. Donepezil 10 mg Tabs/Caps (in strip/blister pack)- Qty: 87,000
14. Gabapentin 300 mg Tabs/Caps (in strip/blister pack)- Qty: 14000
15. Levetiracetam 500 mg tabs (in strip/blister pack)- Qty: 200,000
16. Ergotamine Compound Tabs/Caps (in strip/blister pack)- Qty: 300,000
17. Fluphenazine Decanoate Inj. 25 mg/ml x 1ml IM- Qty: 20,000
18. Haloperidol Inj. 5 mg/ml x 1 ml- Qty: 8,000
19. Haloperidol 1.5 mg Tabs/Caps (in strip/blister pack)- Qty: 125,000
20. Imipramine HCl 10 mg Tabs/Caps (in strip/blister pack or in box of loose tabs up to 100)- Qty: 100,000
21. Lamotrigine 5 mg Tabs/Caps (in strip/blister pack or in box of loose tabs up to 100)- Qty: 10,000
22. Lamotrigine 25 mg Tabs/Caps (in strip/blister pack or in box of loose tabs up to 100)- Qty: 85,000
23. Lamotrigine 50 mg Tabs/Caps (in strip/blister pack or in box of loose tabs up to 100)- Qty: 100,000
24. Lamotrigine 100 mg Tabs (in strip/blister pack or in box of loose tabs up to 100)- Qty: 20,000
25. Nitrazepam 5 mg Tabs/Caps (in strip/blister pack)- Qty: 50,000
26. Phenobarbitone Inj. (200 mg/ml x 1 ml IM/IV)- Qty: 400
27. Phenobarbitone Inj. (40-60 mg/ml x 1 ml IM/IV)- Qty: 600
28. Phenobarbitone 30 mg Tabs/Caps (in strip/blister pack)- Qty: 20,000
29. Phenobarbitone 60 mg Tabs/Caps (in strip/blister pack)- Qty: 150,000
30. Phenytoin Sodium Inj. (50 mg/ml x 5 ml IV)- Qty: 18,000
31. Primidone 250 mg Tabs/caps (in strip/blister pack or in box of loose tabs up to 100)- Qty: 10,000
32. Procyclidine HCl Inj. (5 mg/ml x 2 ml IM/IV)- Qty: 2,500 or Biperiden Lactate Inj. (5 mg/ml x 1 ml)- Qty: 2,500
33. Venlafaxine HCl 37.5 mg Tabs/Caps- Qty: 100,000
34. Venlafaxine HCL 75 mg XL Tabs/Caps- Qty: 95,000
35. Vigabatrin 500 mg Tabs (in strip/blister pack)- Qty: 15,000
16 Nov 2019


16 Nov 2019