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01 3Gangwal Chemicals
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01 1Injectable / Parenteral
02 1Nasal Solution
03 1Ophthalmic Solution
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01 3India
Dosage Form : Injectable / Parenteral, Nasal Solution, Ophthalmic Solution
Grade : Parenteral, Oral, Ophthalmic, Nasal, Topical, Or...
Application : Parenteral
Pharmacopoeia Ref : USP NF
Technical Specs : Captisol® is a polyanionic beta-cyclodextrin derivative with a sodium sulfonate salt separated from the lipophilic cavity by a butyl ether spacer group, or sulfobutylether (SBE).
Ingredient(s) : Betadex Sulfobutyl Ether Sodium Excipient
Dosage Form : Injectable / Parenteral, Nasal Solution, Ophthalmic Solution
Grade : Parenteral, Oral, Ophthalmic, Nasal, Topical, Or...
Ingredient(s) : Betadex Sulfobutyl Ether Sodium Excipient
Dosage Form : Injectable / Parenteral, Nasal Solution, Ophthalmic Solution
Category : Parenteral
Pharmacopoeia Ref : USP NF
Technical Specs : Captisol® is a polyanionic beta-cyclodextrin derivative with a sodium sulfonate salt separated from the lipophilic cavity by a butyl ether spacer group, or sulfobutylether (SBE).
Grade : Parenteral, Oral, Ophthalmic, Nasal, Topical, Oral and Inhalation.