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01 1Nippon Fine Chemical
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01 1Injectable / Parenteral
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01 1Japan
Dosage Form : Injectable / Parenteral
Grade : Topical, Parenteral
Application : Parenteral
Excipient Details : Cholesterol is used as emulsifier, solubilizer, surfactant in parenteral and topical formulations such as cream, lotion and ointments.
Pharmacopoeia Ref : JP, EP, NF
Technical Specs : NA
Ingredient(s) : Cholesterol Excipient
Dosage Form : Injectable / Parenteral
Grade : Topical, Parenteral
Applications : Cholesterol is used as emulsifier, solubilizer, surfactant in parenteral and topical formulations such as cream, lotion and ointments.
Pharmacopoeia Ref : JP, EP, NF
Technical Specs : NA
Grade : Topical, Parenteral