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Comparative Biosciences was founded in 1996 to provide expert scientific resources and quality service to all sectors of the biomedical and biopharmaceutical community. We offer extensive experience in GLP and non-GLP preclinical toxicology, efficacy, pharmacology, pharmacokinetics-pharmacodynamics, histopathology and safety studies on all laboratory species. Our particular areas of expertise include ocular, dermatology, fibr...
Comparative Biosciences was founded in 1996 to provide expert scientific resources and quality service to all sectors of the biomedical and biopharmaceutical community. We offer extensive experience in GLP and non-GLP preclinical toxicology, efficacy, pharmacology, pharmacokinetics-pharmacodynamics, histopathology and safety studies on all laboratory species. Our particular areas of expertise include ocular, dermatology, fibrosis, otic/ototoxicity, wound healing, burns, stem cells, oncology, renal, ophthalmology, inflammation, immune-mediated models, cardiovascular and pulmonary studies, and infection models and devices, as well as contract histopathology, immunohistochemistry and custom model development. CBI is the industry leader in conducting difficult and unique IND-enabling research studies including those involving stem cells, stem cell and device combinations, delivery systems, diabetes and cancer therapies. We have a fully staffed, state-of-the-art, AAALAC-accredited facility that is purpose-built with both an in-house histopathology laboratory and a full-time quality assurance unit. We are registered with the FDA, USDA and OLAW, and our clients range from small biomedical companies to pharmaceutical giants, academia, defense and government.

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Comparative Biosciences, Inc
United_States_of_America Flag
786 Lucerne Dr. Sunnyvale, CA

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