
Inabata Inabata


Company profile for Shantani Proteome Analytics Pvt. Ltd

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Shantani's portfolio of services based on chemical-proteomics technologies helps you identify & validate drug targets; thus de-risking molecules and supporting crucial GO / NO-GO decisions throughout the drug discovery process. Our offerings include 2 proprietary work-flows (SCLS & UPT) which provide comprehensive information about both the target and the action mechanism of bioactive molecules, via a unique combination of che...
Shantani's portfolio of services based on chemical-proteomics technologies helps you identify & validate drug targets; thus de-risking molecules and supporting crucial GO / NO-GO decisions throughout the drug discovery process. Our offerings include 2 proprietary work-flows (SCLS & UPT) which provide comprehensive information about both the target and the action mechanism of bioactive molecules, via a unique combination of chemical biology, biophysics and cell & molecular biology methods. By identifying fewer - yet rightful - targets and avoiding the validation of false positives, we help you save time and money during the drug discovery process. We have successfully identified several cytoplasmic, membrane (ie. GPCRs) and nuclear targets for our global clients.

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Shantani Proteome Analytics Pvt. Ltd
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100 NCL Innovation Park Dr Homi Bhabha Road Pune 411008, Maharashtra
+91-20-64103918, +91-20-64009991

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