
Renejix CDMO Partner for Small Molecule Oral Dosage Forms Renejix CDMO Partner for Small Molecule Oral Dosage Forms


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Centessa Pharmaceuticals aims to improve R&D productivity by scaling the asset centric model of a smaller company to that of a larger enterprise. In doing so, Centessa represents a new kind of pharmaceutical company that operates in a bottom-up organizational structure with a deconstructed R&D environment that prioritizes data driven decision making led by subject matter experts. At its inception, Centessa consists of 10 subsi...
Centessa Pharmaceuticals aims to improve R&D productivity by scaling the asset centric model of a smaller company to that of a larger enterprise. In doing so, Centessa represents a new kind of pharmaceutical company that operates in a bottom-up organizational structure with a deconstructed R&D environment that prioritizes data driven decision making led by subject matter experts. At its inception, Centessa consists of 10 subsidiary companies advancing a portfolio of high conviction programs with strong biological validation.

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Centessa Pharmaceuticals
United_States_of_America Flag
Cambridge, Massachusetts

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