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Company profile for MGB Biopharma

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MGB Biopharma’s focus is to further develop their completely new class of anti-infective medicine, starting with antibiotics based on Minor Groove Binder (MGBs) compounds. The Company’s experienced management team have dedicated their initial focus to the development of a new class of small molecules, with specific antibacterial activity against susceptible and resistant bacteria. In providing a new class of drug to the fi...
MGB Biopharma’s focus is to further develop their completely new class of anti-infective medicine, starting with antibiotics based on Minor Groove Binder (MGBs) compounds. The Company’s experienced management team have dedicated their initial focus to the development of a new class of small molecules, with specific antibacterial activity against susceptible and resistant bacteria. In providing a new class of drug to the field of antibacterial resistance, based on a truly novel mechanism of action, MGB Biopharma are unique, in that a truly new class and novel MoA was last seen in the year 2000.

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MGB Biopharma
unitedkingdom_new Flag
United Kingdom
Suite 1-2, Willow House, Strathclyde Business Park, Kestrel View, Bellshill ML4 3PB
+44 (0)169 846 4224

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