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Company profile for Applied DNA Sciences Inc

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Applied DNA Sciences creates unique biotechnology driven solutions addresssing the challenges of modern commerce. It is the goal of our company to help our customers establish secure and productive environments that foster Quality, Integrity and Success. At Applied DNA Sciences (ADNAS), everything we do is motivated by Quality. From concept to commerce, ADNAS employees have been trained to comply with external regulatory guid...
Applied DNA Sciences creates unique biotechnology driven solutions addresssing the challenges of modern commerce. It is the goal of our company to help our customers establish secure and productive environments that foster Quality, Integrity and Success. At Applied DNA Sciences (ADNAS), everything we do is motivated by Quality. From concept to commerce, ADNAS employees have been trained to comply with external regulatory guidance defined by ISO 9001, ISO 17025 and current Good Manufacturing Practices. Our employees are committed to being responsive, creative and continuously improving our processes. This dedication allows us to provide our

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Applied DNA Sciences Inc
United_States_of_America Flag
50 Health Sciences Drive, Stony Brook, NY 11790

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