Top drugs and pharmaceutical companies of 2019 by revenues
Acquisitions and spin-offs dominated headlines in 2019 and the tone was set very early with Bristol-Myers Squibb acquiring New Jersey-based cancer drug company Celgene in a US$ 74 billion deal announced on January 3, 2019. After factoring in debt, the deal value ballooned to about US$ 95 billion, which according to data compiled by Refinitiv, made it the largest healthcare deal on record. In the summer, AbbVie Inc, which sells the world’s best-selling drug Humira, announced its acquisition of Allergan Plc, known for Botox and other cosmetic treatments, for US$ 63 billion. While the companies are still awaiting regulatory approval for their deal, with US$ 49 billion in combined 2019 revenues, the merged entity would rank amongst the biggest in the industry. View Our Interactive Dashboard on Top drugs by sales in 2019 (Free Excel Available) The big five by pharmaceutical sales — Pfizer, Roche, J&J, Novartis and Merck Pfizer continued to lead companies by pharmaceutical sales by reporting annual 2019 revenues of US$ 51.8 billion, a decrease of US$ 1.9 billion, or 4 percent, compared to 2018. The decline was primarily attributed to the loss of exclusivity of Lyrica in 2019, which witnessed its sales drop from US$ 5 billion in 2018 to US$ 3.3 billion in 2019. In 2018, Pfizer’s then incoming CEO Albert Bourla had mentioned that the company did not see the need for any large-scale M&A activity as Pfizer had “the best pipeline” in its history, which needed the company to focus on deploying its capital to keep its pipeline flowing and execute on its drug launches. Bourla stayed true to his word and barring the acquisition of Array Biopharma for US$ 11.4 billion and a spin-off to merge Upjohn, Pfizer’s off-patent branded and generic established medicines business with Mylan, there weren’t any other big ticket deals which were announced. The Upjohn-Mylan merged entity will be called Viatris and is expected to have 2020 revenues between US$ 19 and US$ 20 billion and could outpace Teva to become the largest generic company in the world, in term of revenues.  Novartis, which had followed Pfizer with the second largest revenues in the pharmaceutical industry in 2018, reported its first full year earnings after spinning off its Alcon eye care devices business division that had US$ 7.15 billion in 2018 sales. In 2019, Novartis slipped two spots in the ranking after reporting total sales of US$ 47.4 billion and its CEO Vas Narasimhan continued his deal-making spree by buying New Jersey-headquartered The Medicines Company (MedCo) for US$ 9.7 billion to acquire a late-stage cholesterol-lowering therapy named inclisiran. As Takeda Pharmaceutical Co was busy in 2019 on working to reduce its debt burden incurred due to its US$ 62 billion purchase of Shire Plc, which was announced in 2018, Novartis also purchased the eye-disease medicine, Xiidra, from the Japanese drugmaker for US$ 5.3 billion. Novartis’ management also spent a considerable part of 2019 dealing with data-integrity concerns which emerged from its 2018 buyout of AveXis, the gene-therapy maker Novartis had acquired for US$ 8.7 billion. The deal gave Novartis rights to Zolgensma, a novel treatment intended for children less than two years of age with the most severe form of spinal muscular atrophy (SMA). Priced at US$ 2.1 million, Zolgensma is currently the world’s most expensive drug. However, in a shocking announcement, a month after approving the drug, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued a press release on data accuracy issues as the agency was informed by AveXis that its personnel had manipulated data which the FDA used to evaluate product comparability and nonclinical (animal) pharmacology as part of the biologics license application (BLA), which was submitted and reviewed by the FDA. With US$ 50.0 billion (CHF 48.5 billion) in annual pharmaceutical sales, Swiss drugmaker Roche came in at number two position in 2019 as its sales grew 11 percent driven by its multiple sclerosis medicine Ocrevus, haemophilia drug Hemlibra and cancer medicines Tecentriq and Perjeta. Roche’s newly introduced medicines generated US$ 5.53 billion (CHF 5.4 billion) in growth, helping offset the impact of the competition from biosimilars for its three best-selling drugs MabThera/Rituxan, Herceptin and Avastin. In late 2019, after months of increased antitrust scrutiny, Roche completed its US$ 5.1 billion acquisition of Spark Therapeutics to strengthen its presence in gene therapy. Last year, J&J reported almost flat worldwide sales of US$ 82.1 billion. J&J’s pharmaceutical division generated US$ 42.20 billion and its medical devices and consumer health divisions brought in US$ 25.96 billion and US$ 13.89 billion respectively.  Since J&J’s consumer health division sells analgesics, digestive health along with beauty and oral care products, the US$ 5.43 billion in consumer health sales from over-the-counter drugs and women’s health products was only used in our assessment of J&J’s total pharmaceutical revenues. With combined pharmaceutical sales of US$ 47.63 billion, J&J made it to number three on our list. While the sales of products like Stelara, Darzalex, Imbruvica, Invega Sustenna drove J&J’s pharmaceutical business to grow by 4 percent over 2018, the firm had to contend with generic competition against key revenue contributors Remicade and Zytiga. US-headquartered Merck, which is known as MSD (short for Merck Sharp & Dohme) outside the United States and Canada, is set to significantly move up the rankings next year fueled by its cancer drug Keytruda, which witnessed a 55 percent increase in sales to US$ 11.1 billion. Merck reported total revenues of US$ 41.75 billion and also announced it will spin off its women’s health drugs, biosimilar drugs and older products to create a new pharmaceutical company with US$ 6.5 billion in annual revenues. The firm had anticipated 2020 sales between US$ 48.8 billion and US$  50.3 billion however this week it announced that the coronavirus  pandemic will reduce 2020 sales by more than $2 billion. View Our Interactive Dashboard on Top drugs by sales in 2019 (Free Excel Available)  Humira holds on to remain world’s best-selling drug AbbVie’s acquisition of Allergan comes as the firm faces the expiration of patent protection for Humira, which brought in a staggering US$ 19.2 billion in sales last year for the company. AbbVie has failed to successfully acquire or develop a major new product to replace the sales generated by its flagship drug. In 2019, Humira’s US revenues increased 8.6 percent to US$ 14.86 billion while internationally, due to biosimilar competition, the sales dropped 31.1 percent to US$ 4.30 billion. Bristol Myers Squibb’s Eliquis, which is also marketed by Pfizer, maintained its number two position and posted total sales of US$ 12.1 billion, a 23 percent increase over 2018. While Bristol Myers Squibb’s immunotherapy treatment Opdivo, sold in partnership with Ono in Japan, saw sales increase from US$ 7.57 billion to US$ 8.0 billion, the growth paled in comparison to the US$ 3.9 billion revenue increase of Opdivo’s key immunotherapy competitor Merck’s Keytruda. Keytruda took the number three spot in drug sales that previously belonged to Celgene’s Revlimid, which witnessed a sales decline from US$ 9.69 billion to US$ 9.4 billion. Cancer treatment Imbruvica, which is marketed by J&J and AbbVie, witnessed a 30 percent increase in sales. With US$ 8.1 billion in 2019 revenues, it took the number five position. View Our Interactive Dashboard on Top drugs by sales in 2019 (Free Excel Available) Vaccines – Covid-19 turns competitors into partners This year has been dominated by the single biggest health emergency in years — the novel coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic. As drugs continue to fail to meet expectations, vaccine development has received a lot of attention.  GSK reported the highest vaccine sales of all drugmakers with total sales of US$ 8.4 billion (GBP 7.16 billion), a significant portion of its total sales of US$ 41.8 billion (GBP 33.754 billion).   US-based Merck’s vaccine division also reported a significant increase in sales to US$ 8.0 billion and in 2019 received FDA and EU approval to market its Ebola vaccine Ervebo. This is the first FDA-authorized vaccine against the deadly virus which causes hemorrhagic fever and spreads from person to person through direct contact with body fluids. Pfizer and Sanofi also reported an increase in their vaccine sales to US$ 6.4 billion and US$ 6.2 billion respectively and the Covid-19 pandemic has recently pushed drugmakers to move faster than ever before and has also converted competitors into partners. In a rare move, drug behemoths  — Sanofi and GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) —joined hands to develop a vaccine for the novel coronavirus. The two companies plan to start human trials in the second half of this year, and if things go right, they will file for potential approvals by the second half of 2021.  View Our Interactive Dashboard on Top drugs by sales in 2019 (Free Excel Available)  Our view Covid-19 has brought the world economy to a grinding halt and shifted the global attention to the pharmaceutical industry’s capability to deliver solutions to address this pandemic.  Our compilation shows that vaccines and drugs for infectious diseases currently form a tiny fraction of the total sales of pharmaceutical companies and few drugs against infectious diseases rank high on the sales list. This could well explain the limited range of options currently available to fight Covid-19. With the pandemic currently infecting over 3 million people spread across more than 200 countries, we can safely conclude that the scenario in 2020 will change substantially. And so should our compilation of top drugs for the year. View Our Interactive Dashboard on Top drugs by sales in 2019 (Free Excel Available)   

Impressions: 55009


29 Apr 2020
Data integrity has no relationship with product quality
Peter J. Werth, President and Chief Executive Officer, ChemWerth, a US-headquartered full-service generic active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) development and supply company providing cGMP quality APIs to the regulated markets, is a proponent of removing data to a data-integrity (DI) file from data history, if it isn’t linked to product quality. According to Werth, FDA is unnecessarily obsessed with data integrity issues, and pharma companies have begun to fear FDA inspections. This needs to change, Werth tells PharmaCompass. Excerpts from the interview.    Can you tell us about your journey in the world of pharmaceuticals? I began by supplying generic cough and cold APIs by setting up a chemical business back in 1975. There was a small group of companies (first generic companies) that mainly sold cough and cold products. These companies wanted to sell patent-expired generics and we developed select APIs for them. There was no real FDA (US Food and Drug Administration) approval process involved.  By 1982, I realized the generic industry would be big business and API sourcing was key to success. Since I knew the API business, my wife and I formed ChemWerth – a company that supplied generic APIs. By 1988, ChemWerth was working with 10 American and three Chinese manufacturers. But the generic scandal changed everything. My American partner factories gave up the API business when new regulations came in. Chemical plants could no longer manufacture APIs. From my previous 11 years of dealing with China, I knew that almost all of the dosage form factories also produced APIs. This was especially important for the injectable grade products. By the early 1990s, ChemWerth was developing APIs for highly toxic oncology injection drugs and many antibiotics. We successfully introduced doxorubicin, daunorubicin, mitomycin, bleomycin, etoposide, ifosfamide and several antibiotics such as lincomycin, clindamycin phosphate, amikacin sulfate, tobramycin and vancomycin (all from China). Today, ChemWerth represents 25 Chinese factories for about 100 products. We still represent one American API supplier along with several Indian manufacturers. We recently expanded to supply veterinary drugs and partnered with a major supplier of polypeptides and a world-class supplier of heparin and related products.     You have been working with China for many years now. When did you first come to China and how has the Chinese pharmaceutical industry transformed over the years? I first went to China in 1979. During that trip, I realized I could successfully deal with the Chinese. Most of my friends who went to China said it was impossible to deal with them. I always thought this gave me an advantage in China. Over the next seven years, I kept in touch with China, but did very little business.  In 1986, I was running ChemWerth and was a consultant with a company to help its large pharmaceutical facility produce generic APIs. We targeted clindamycin phosphate for development, since the product had good sales, and was off patent. It also had no competition because Upjohn (an erstwhile US-headquartered pharma company that got merged with Pharmacia in 1995, which in turn got bought over by Pfizer) controlled all the key starting material – lincomycin hydrochloride. Using my contacts and my ability to deal with Chinese factory directors, I managed to break Upjohn’s stronghold in lincomycin. I convinced three factories to work with me so that I could file a DMF (Drug Master File). Clindamycin became a very good product for ChemWerth and gave me reason to visit China regularly to develop new business. In those days, factories were generally old and needed upgradation. Documentation was always good, and in detail. However, it was mostly in codes and therefore useless to most others. It was extremely difficult to convince the factory to provide a true and detailed process to ChemWerth to file a DMF with the FDA. There is still a tendency (amid factories in China) to hide important facts. As a result, it takes ChemWerth at least three versions/iterations before we think we have got the right process details. Today, the hardware in China’s pharmaceutical factories is excellent, and is usually purchased from the best overseas manufacturer.  The software is good too and is likely to improve drastically as manufacturers realize software is equally important as hardware.    In view of the current GMP concerns being uncovered at Chinese companies, are you still focused on China as a source of pharmaceuticals? In my mind, and in the ChemWerth representative factories, there are no GMP concerns, no quality concerns, and no data history concerns. The FDA's fascination with data integrity focuses on a problem that does not exist in more than 90 percent of the pharmaceutical factories. There are at least 18 reasons to remove data from data history. All of these 18 reasons are related to analyst error and equipment failures (laboratory gross errors) and not related to quality or GMP manufacturing. (Click here to read Werth’s 18 reasons to remove data). I agree that gross errors/laboratory gross errors should not be deleted. I also agree that deleted gross errors/laboratory errors not related to quality do not deserve a warning letter. However, the FDA should also know the main reason data is deleted is because the analyst (often) knows the result is not correct for reasons not related to quality (gross errors/laboratory gross errors). They do not want to conduct an expensive, time-consuming, and cumbersome OOS (out-of-specification) investigation. Therefore, they delete the data, weigh out new samples, fix the problem, analyze, and either receive acceptable results or rejection results. Today, China has the most modern manufacturing facilities and the money to invest in software to manufacture the highest quality with the best traceable records. The Chinese need to trust the FDA to treat them fairly and not rely on two and three-year-old DI information. They will do the job correctly now and in future. But they cannot change the past. As stated earlier, all DI product-related observations have proven that the product quality and product history were acceptable. China can only become a stronger API supplier. China’s volumes will increase and costs will decrease, because the domestic market is growing rapidly. The country will have cost/pricing pressures and will need to concentrate more on the difficult products that require expensive equipment. The standards set by the China FDA (CFDA) match the US FDA standards. And this will make it easier to operate under one quality and documentation system. Most importantly, they have the money to invest in the latest technology, best scientists, and equipment.    In your view, what can pharmaceutical regulators and the industry do differently in order to communicate that the product quality is not at risk, given the environment where data-integrity violations have become commonplace? The FDA needs to understand that DI has no relationship with product quality. We have two recent examples. In the first case, DI issues applied to 70 batches. All 70 batches were retested and all were found to be in specification. The second case gave the same results – between two inspections over 100 batches were considered potentially fraudulent. All 100 batches were retested and were found to meet the specification. At both the factories, the data history showed all the batches are in specification – this implies 100 percent correlation to quality. The data integrity listed 100 batches and no batch failed specification – this shows 0 percent correlation to quality. From a DI perspective, FDA inspections in factories that only produce APIs for export should be different from inspections in pharmaceutical companies that export APIs and dosage form. In reality, API manufacturers cannot cheat. They sell their product to dosage form manufacturers, which in turn are responsible for the quality that goes into the dosage form. Off specification batches will be rejected and returned to the API manufacturer. While inspecting factories’ customer complaint file, it is rare to find batches being rejected and returned to the factory. The same does not apply to pharmaceutical companies that produce both API and finished dosage. They can hide information. Data integrity is more of an issue with companies that manufacture both API and dosage form.     What steps is ChemWerth taking with its partners in China to improve compliance standards? ChemWerth is addressing this issue with the FDA and ChemWerth representative factories. In broad terms, data history should be paramount, since it is related to product quality. Data integrity is a part of data history. ChemWerth has prepared a standard operating procedure (SOP) to handle electronic data.(Click here to read ChemWerth’s SOP). A simple version is that when one or both samples are out-of-specification, the analyst’s supervisor (who committed the error) reviews the data with the analysts. If they determine that one of the 18 reasons for analyst error or equipment failure is the cause of the failure, then this is noted. Three new samples are prepared, the error is corrected, and the samples are run and if all samples pass then these results are retained in data history and the product is passed. The previous bad result is documented and removed to the data integrity file. No lengthy, time-consuming, and expensive OOS report is conducted. This makes the procedure factory-friendly. In the above example, if one of the three new samples fails, then all results are retained in the data history. The batch is rejected for rework or reprocessing. I believe the present atmosphere between the FDA and API manufacturers is at an all-time low. The industry feels the FDA inspectors are looking at mostly irrelevant data to prove that the factory operates fraudulently. Factories no longer welcome FDA inspections, out of fear of DI failure. Factories feel the FDA is using DI to point out fraud where there is none (excluding Hisun and Ranbaxy). In the past, we always welcomed FDA inspections as part of doing business. We need to get back to that time and place.  

Impressions: 6191


07 Jul 2016