Pyridoxine Hydrochloride
Chinese industrial activity revival at 98.6 percent, officials assure of API supplies
While the world feels the heat of the Covid-19 pandemic with the global pharmaceutical supply chain getting impacted, normalcy is returning to China. According to new reports, the production of drugs and APIs in China is also returning to normal. In a press conference held by top Chinese officials this week, the country’s ministers highlighted that as of March 28, the average operating rate of industrial enterprises across China had reached 98.6 percent and the production of some key vitamin, antibiotic and analgesic raw material drug companies had returned to normal with yields of major products reaching above 80 percent.  Officials had paid heed to resumption of production   The officials highlighted that during the critical period of epidemic prevention and control, the Chinese government had paid close attention to the resumption of production of API companies. After receiving reports that some companies in Hubei had not resumed work, which would impact the supply chains of products like metronidazole, ibuprofen, and taurine, the authorities urgently coordinated with the relevant departments of Hubei, other provinces, cities and counties to carry out key scheduling for some API manufacturers and actively organized employees to return to work. However, despite these initiatives, due to the impact of the epidemic, wherein some enterprises had stopped production and subsequently faced challenges with logistics and transportation difficulties, there was a shortfall in supply. The export volume of APIs did decrease this year compared with the same period last year and the officials estimated that most products witnessed a drop of about 10 to 20 percent, and in some cases the decline of individual varieties had reached 30 percent. Repeated communications between the officials and these companies revealed that the main contributor to the decline in exports was sea freight, as international shipping had greatly reduced, and transportation costs have also increased. Although international transportation has become a bottleneck for the supply of some APIs, the press conference highlighted that the output of other APIs had exceeded the level of the same period last year. China to meet global demand for chloroquine   The officials made a special mention of medications like chloroquine phosphate which have received significant attention as a potential treatment of the novel coronavirus. After chloroquine phosphate was identified as a potentially effective treatment, the government worked with the two major API manufacturers in China to organize the companies to meet international demand. For example, Chongqing Kangle Pharmaceuticals exported 4.9 tons of chloroquine APIs within five days. This news from China is encouraging to the global supply chain as following the rising interest in a chloroquine analog — Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) — the Indian government issued a directive which prohibits the export of HCQ API and formulations made from HCQ. The directive did, however, offer exemptions to exports from special economic zones/export-oriented units and in cases where export is made to fulfill an export obligation under any advance license issued on or before the date of the notification. Last week, Hungary, which is also one of the world’s largest exporters of HCQ, also banned the commercial export of the ingredient and the United Kingdom (UK) banned the export of finished formulations of HCQ as part of a list of 135 medicines posted that cannot be exported from the UK because they were needed for the UK patients. In early March, the Indian government had also restricted the exports of 13 APIs along with some of their finished formulations. The list included paracetamol tinidazole metronidazole acyclovir vitamin B1 vitamin B6 vitamin B12 progesterone chloramphenicol and neomycin. However, a recent report published in The Economic Times highlighted that out of 13 drugs whose exports were restricted, the government is likely to lift the ban on the following five APIs — paracetamol, tinidazole, metronidazole, ornidazole and azithromycin. There were also reports of significant pressure from the US on the Indian government for products like paracetamol and the officials expect the ban to be lifted in the coming days. The Chinese officials further went on to provide assurances that the supply of chloroquine phosphate can be increased in accordance with international market demand and that China’s Ministry of Industry and Information Technology will also organize the implementation of monitoring and production scheduling of key products, coordinate and solve the export transportation difficulties encountered by enterprises and strengthen communication.  Our view   The press conference highlighted that China attaches great importance to the safety of the global pharmaceutical industry supply chain and President Xi Jinping had promised at the G20 summit of member states on March 26 that China will increase its efforts to supply APIs to the international community.  The Chinese government is working earnestly to implement the commitment to maintain the production of API manufacturers and ensure the safety and stability of global industrial chain supply, the statement emerging out of the press conference said. Given the global pharmaceutical supply chain’s overwhelming dependence on China, the nation’s return to normalcy is a positive sign for countries across the world. For the time being, the pandemic has only increased the world’s dependence on China. All countries that want to reduce their reliance on China will take time not just to build capacities, but also to emerge out of the Covid-19 crisis.  

Impressions: 1629

02 Apr 2020
COVID-19: India restricts drug exports amid rising prices of essential bulk drugs; FDA announces first drug shortage
Now that it has been established that the novel coronavirus is going to globally impact the drug supply chain, it becomes imperative to analyze the extent of the impact. Since the outbreak of the novel coronavirus — COVID-19 — in December, PharmaCompass has been constantly reaching out to manufacturers around the world to assess the current state of the drug supply chain. This week, we share our preliminary analysis based on the feedback we have received from drug manufacturers around the world. Drug shortages are for real   Last week, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced the first human drug shortage as a result of the coronavirus outbreak. In addition, the FDA announced it was tracking 20 drugs that could face shortages. Some generic drugmakers are predicting shortages as early as in June or July, due to the novel coronavirus. The FDA did not disclose the name of the drug in shortage or the 20 drugs it is tracking, as this is considered ‘confidential commercial information’.  In India, a committee constituted by the country’s Department of Pharmaceuticals started monitoring the availability of 58 active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) to take preventive measures against illegal hoarding and black-marketing in the country. According to a report published in The Economic Times, after reviewing the list of drugs, 34 were found to have no alternatives which include critical and essential drugs like potassium clavulanate, ceftriaxone sodium sterile, piperacillin tazobactam, meropenem, vancomycin, gentamycin and ciprofloxacin. This was immediately followed by the Indian government restricting the exports of 13 APIs along with some of their finished formulations. The list includes paracetamol, tinidazole, metronidazole, acyclovir, vitamin B1, vitamin B6, vitamin B12, progesterone, chloramphenicol and neomycin. For most of the products on this list, India is a net importer, as there is little domestic manufacturing of these APIs. COVID-19 is also likely to impact bottomlines. Leading generic drugmaker Mylan said it expects the coronavirus outbreak to impact its financial results while some of the largest drugmakers — including AstraZeneca, Merck and Pfizer — have said that the coronavirus outbreak could affect their supplies or sales. Paracetamol affected; prices double in less regulated markets   The decline in industrial activity in China is certainly taking its toll, as drugs which are on the World Health Organization’s Model list of Essential Medicines are beginning to face significant price increases in the wake of disruption of key starting raw materials for bulk drugs.  The export restriction out of India on commonly used analgesic, Paracetamol — sold under the brand names such as Tylenol (in the US), Panadol (in the UK), Dafalgan (France) and Crocin (India) — is not surprising as the API has witnessed almost doubling of prices in less regulated markets because exports of its key building block para-amino phenol (PAP) have dramatically reduced from China.  While there are only a few manufacturers who produce paracetamol without being dependent on Chinese PAP, a few major manufacturers in India depend almost completely on Chinese PAP for their paracetamol production and usually only keep three to four months of inventory. By the end of February, their inventory stockpiles had halved and in the event of a continued supply disruption, their entire inventory pipeline is likely to dry out. In addition, Chinese paracetamol manufacturers, who export a significant amount of their bulk ingredient production globally, including to India, are also currently unable to export. This is beginning to create the potential of panic among sourcing executives across the world. Several antibiotics also in danger of acute shortages   While paracetamol was listed on the API watch list circulated by India’s Department of Pharmaceuticals, our survey has revealed that other products on the list like ciprofloxacin, amoxicillin and azithromycin are also facing severe raw material shortages. As a result, the prices of these bulk drugs have also increased sharply. In a statement to The Economic Times, leading Indian generic manufacturer Mankind Pharma’s chairman and managing director said amoxicillin is the most commonly used API to manufacture antibiotics and the company has invested Rs 1 billion (US$ 14 million) in placing irregular orders with vendors to try and address the potential shortage that is expected. He went on to say that if the situation continues until April, there will be an acute shortage. In a statement to the US House of Representatives last October, Janet Woodcock, the FDA’s Director of Center of Drug Evaluation and Research, said the FDA has determined that there are three WHO Essential Medicines whose API manufacturers are based only in China. The three medicines are: capreomycin, streptomycin (both indicated to treat Mycobacterium tuberculosis) and sulfadiazine (used to treat chancroid and trachoma). Streptomycin is also on the watch list published by India’s Department of Pharmaceuticals along with commonly used anti-hypertensives like losartan, valsartan, telmisartan and olmesartan and diabetes treatment metformin. Intermediates becoming a problem for generic drugmakers   PharmaCompass’ discussions have also revealed that in many cases while API manufacturing factories in China have returned to work, there are disruptions in the availability of raw materials and/or logistics at sea ports and airports which have led to unavailability of supplies.  While the FDA has a list of the number of API facilities in China which are in a position to supply to the United States, Woodcock said in her statement that the FDA “cannot determine with any precision the volume of API that China is actually producing, or the volume of APIs manufactured in China that is entering the US market.” This visibility reduces drastically when one has to assess the dependence of each API manufacturer around the world on China for intermediates. Our discussions have revealed that it is these intermediates which are becoming a problem for most API manufacturers, even those based in India. It was worth highlighting that a manufacturing process change at an intermediate stage of commonly used blood pressure medicine valsartan resulted in the recall of millions of pills as it was found to contain a cancer causing impurity above acceptable levels. Similarly, in 2008, the adulteration of heparin in China, which killed 81 people and left 785 severely injured, was an outcome of the subcontracting of precursor chemicals of Heparin. Our view   The over-dependence on China for key starting materials has been the subject of discussion ever since we launched PharmaCompass. Rosemary Gibson explored this subject in detail in her book China Rx: Exposing the Risks of America’s Dependence on China for Medicine. The restrictions imposed on industrial activity and transportation in China in the first two months of this year has resulted in NASA’s satellite images showing a decline in pollution levels over China. While China works towards getting its industrial and transportation engine up and running to 2019 levels, the outbreak has spread to other countries which will further increase the demand for drugs to fight the virus.  This is a time when the pharmaceutical industry needs to act responsibly and make decisions which are in the best interests of patients globally. Sharing information is one such step — it will allow for drug stockpiles and inventories that exist to be re-distributed to areas which need them most. For, in the event of an urgent need, drugs will become available to those who are most in need.  

Impressions: 8278

04 Mar 2020
FDA’s 2016 Approvals of New Drugs, Formulations, Strengths & More
After 2 years of sky-high approval numbers, the US Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) Center for Drug Evaluation and Research approved 22 novel drugs in 2016, down from the 19-year high of 45 in 2015. The FDA also approved many new dose forms, formulations, combination products and vaccines. This week, PharmaCompass, shares its analysis of the new drug approvals by the FDA in 2016. Reasons behind the low approvals in 2016   Of the 22 novel drugs approved by the FDA, the FDA approved 9 products with orphan designation, in line with the industry’s recent focus on rare diseases. However, as the industry shifts its focus towards biotechnology, only 7 of the novel products approved were biologic applications.   The 9 orphan designees approved (41% of all new drug approvals) were significantly lower than the 21 (47%) orphan designees approved in 2015 and 17 (41%) in 2014. FDA’s approval of 4 (18%) oncology drugs in 2016, was also down from the 14 (31%) approvals in 2015, 9 (22%) in 2014 and 9 (33%) in 2013. The reasons for the low 2016 approval count, have been attributed to the agency approving five drugs in 2015 that actually had approval action dates in 2016 and an increase in the number of drugs that the agency rejected. A key reason for the rejections was the sponsors’ failure to comply with good manufacturing practice regulations. Click here to access our list of all New Drug Approvals (Excel version available) for FREE! Gilead’s Epclusa, the first all-oral, pan-genotypic, single tablet regimen for the treatment of adults with chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection, is expected to become the most profitable approval of 2016 with expected sales of $ 8.4 billion by 2022.  2016 also saw the FDA’s contentious approval of Exondys 51™ (eteplirsen) under its accelerated approval process. Exondys 51™ treats Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD), a rare genetic disease which causes progressive muscle wasting that affects around 20,000 boys and young men in the United States.  Approvals of three biosimilars which target $ 33 billion in brand drug sales   In a giant leap for the generic pharmaceutical industry, three biosimilar applications were approved in 2016 that target brand drugs which generated more than $ 33 billion in sales last year.   All the three biosimilars approved were tumor-necrosis factor alpha (TNF α) inhibitors used to manage inflammatory conditions.  Pfizer and Celltrion’s Inflectra, a biosimilar to Janssen’s Remicade® (2016 sales - $ 8.8 billion), was the first to get approval for all Remicade-approved indications, except pediatric ulcerative colitis. Inflectra was launched at risk in November 2016. After Inflectra’s approval, the FDA approved Sandoz’s Erelzi, a biosimilar to Enbrel® (etanercept – Amgen, 2016 sales - $ 9.1 billion). On Sept. 23, 2016, Amgen’s Amjevita™ (adalimumab – atto), a biosimilar of the world’s best-selling drug by revenue, AbbVie’s Humira®(2016 sales - $ 16.4 billion), was also approved for treating adults with a variety of medical conditions ranging from rheumatoid arthritis, plaque psoriasis, to ulcerative colitis. Click here to access our list of all New Drug Approvals (Excel version available) for FREE!   Kim Kardashian’s pregnancy drug is now available in a new strength   Diclegis, a combination of an antihistamine (doxylamine succinate) and a form of vitamin B6 (pyridoxine HCl), made headlines when the FDA issued a warning letter for the social media promotion of the drug by Kim Kardashain, star of the reality show ‘Keeping Up With The Kardashians’ Duchesnay, the company which produces Diclegis, got approval for Bonjesta which combines twice the amount of doxylamine and pyridoxine when compared with Diclegis which contains 10mg of each ingredient. Indian generic companies get approvals for differentiated products   As the generic industry in the U.S. continues to face severe pricing pressure, Indian generic companies are attempting to overcome these challenges by trying to move up the value chain by supplying differentiated generic products. Consistent with this strategy, the applications of Sun Pharmaceuticals for a new ophthalmic version of Bromfenac (Bromsite) and Dr. Reddy’s Laboratory for an injectable version of Sumatriptan (Zembrace™ SymTouch) to treat migraines were also approved. Click here to access our list of all New Drug Approvals (Excel version available) for FREE!   Pfizer launches an opioid treatment with abuse-deterrent properties   The abuse of opioids, including prescription painkillers and drugs like heroin, is something the United States has struggled with since before the 1900s. Last year, the FDA announced that immediate-release opioid painkillers such as oxycodone and fentanyl will have to carry a "black box" warning about the risk of abuse, addiction, overdose and death. Pfizer got approval last year for Troxyca ER a combination containing oxycodone and naltrexone. Troxyca ER has properties that are expected to reduce abuse when crushed and administered by the oral and intranasal routes. In it, the oxycodone releases slowly over several hours. If the capsules are crushed, the encased naltrexone mixes with oxycodone, essentially cancelling any euphoric effects. Pfizer also received approval for an extended release form of Tofacitinib (Xeljanz® XR) to treat adult patients with moderately to severely active rheumatoid arthritis who have had an inadequate response or intolerance to methotrexate. Click here to access our list of all New Drug Approvals (Excel version available) for FREE!   A dietary supplement gets approved along with new forms of commonly used drugs    In 2016, Endoceutics got Intarosa, a once-daily vaginal insert, approved which is the first FDA approved product to contain prasterone, also known as dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA). Although DHEA is included in some dietary supplements, the efficacy and safety of those products have not been established for diagnosing, curing, mitigating, treating or preventing any disease. Lisinopril, the most commonly used drug by U.S. Medicare patients, was approved as an Oral Solution for the first time.   Diabetes treatments, one of the most commonly prescribed drug categories in the U.S., saw the addition of Sanofi and Novo Nordisk’s fixed-dose, long-acting insulin and glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP-1) agonist combinations to the list of options available to treat adult type-2 diabetes.  Our View   The approval of new drugs ensures that the world has access to improved healthcare solutions and breakthrough medical therapies. With Donald Trump “focused on accelerating the FDA” and an on-going argument that drugs should not have to be proven effective before getting approved, this year looks like the one where the new drug approval scenario will be shaken up for time to come. Click here to access our list of all New Drug Approvals (Excel version available) for FREE!    

Impressions: 14540

09 Feb 2017
U.S. celebrity Kim Kardashian’s social media posts violate regulations, FDA issues warning letter
Kim Kardashian who is a model, actress, entrepreneur, socialite and star of the reality show ‘Keeping Up With The Kardashians’, has her posts on social media promoting the drug Diclegis, result in the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issuing a warning letter recently.The reality TV star shared a selfie of herself, on Instagram and Twitter, holding a bottle of Diclegis, a prescription-only drug used to treat nausea and vomiting during pregnancy. The posts violated FDA’s drug-promotion regulations and the warning letter was issued to Duchesnay USA, the company which produces the drug. The FDA’s warning letter said the media posts did not communicate the medical risks of the drug. Viral CommunicationKardashian’s posts, told over 40 million followers that Diclegis (doxylamine succinate and pyridoxine hydrochloride) made her feel “a lot better” and worked after everything else her doctor recommended had failed to cure her morning sickness. In addition she said, “Most importantly, it’s been studied and there was no increased risk to the baby”.“I’m so excited and happy with my results that I’m partnering with Duchesnay USA to raise awareness about treating morning sickness…,” the post added, and was liked over 450,000 times. Kardashian’s post was pre-approved by Duchesnay, with whom Kardashian “partnered” to raise awareness about morning sickness.  What Kardashian failed to mention“The social media post is misleading because it presents various efficacy claims for DICLEGIS, but fails to communicate any risk information,” says the FDA warning letter. According to its FDA-approved product labeling, DICLEGIS is indicated for the treatment of nausea and vomiting of pregnancy in women who do not respond to conservative management. The FDA also issued the warning letter for omitting material facts as the drug has not been studied in certain populations of women. Diclegis has not been studied in the about 1 percent of women who undergo dangerously severe vomiting called hyperemesis gravidarum, the condition that made headlines last year when in Britain, Prince William's wife Kate was briefly hospitalized.A different version of the drug, Benedictin was taken off the market in 1983 following a series of lawsuits alleging links to birth defects. The decision taken by Merrell Dow Pharmaceuticals, to stop selling Bendectin, was driven by commercial reasons because the company's insurance premiums had soared to US $ 10 million a year, only US $ 3 million less than the income from the sale of the drug. However, subsequent FDA investigations never established any link between the drug and the reported problems. All in the family The promotion was also a family affair. Duchesnay said Kardashian’s mother, Kris Jenner, also a paid spokeswoman, shared Kardashian’s social media posts on her own accounts. Jenner tweeted, "#SPONSORED Glad @KimKardashian is feeling better, wish I had something like this product during all my pregnancies! (sic)"As an expected corrective action, in the letter sent to the Executive Vice-President of Duchesnay, the FDA has mentioned that “corrective messaging should be distributed using the same media, and generally for the same duration of time and with the same frequency that the violative promotional material was disseminated”.Diclegis has been available in Canada under the trade name Diclectin® for more than 30 years as the only prescription drug specifically indicated and approved for the management of nausea and vomiting of pregnancy (NVP). The product is a delayed-release combination of an old antihistamine and a form of vitamin B6 (doxylamine succinate and pyridoxine hydrochloride) designed to help women take a daily dose before their nausea sets in.Thankfully, the 34-year-old Keeping Up With the Kardashians star's doctor had prescribed her Diclegis. Although the FDA may not be happy about the posts, the advertisements have been a resounding success. AdWeek assessed the controversy will help the company in the long run, since more people have now heard of Diclegis.  

Impressions: 3594

20 Aug 2015