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Last Updated on PharmaCompass Virtual Booth Country Name of the Firm Written Confirmation No. Product Name Issue Date Valid Till Address of the Firm
06/12/2024 MSN Laboratories
M/s MSN Laboratories Private Limited WC-0021n CLIDINIUM BROMIDE USP 2022-06-17 2025-07-14 Sy. Nos: 317, 320, 321, 322, 323, 604 & 605, Rudraram (Village), Patancheru (Mandai), Sangareddy District -502 329, Telangana State, India
24/11/2021 MSN Laboratories
M/s. MSN Laboratories Pvt. Ltd.,  WC-0021 CLIDINIUM BROMIDE USP 2019-07-15 2022-07-14 Sy. No.317&323, Rudraram Village, Patancheru Mandal, Sangaredy District-502329 Telangana, India