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Last Updated on PharmaCompass Virtual Booth Country Name of the Firm Written Confirmation No. Product Name Issue Date Valid Till Address of the Firm
10/06/2024 Shandong Chenghui Shuangda Pharmaceutical
Shandong Chenghui Shuangda Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd SD230069 Tetracaine Hydrochloride 2023-11-06 2026-11-05 Economic Development Zone, Pingyuan County, Dezhou City, Shandong, PR China
26/06/2021 Venkata Narayana Active Ingredients
M/s Venkatanarayana Active Ingradients Private Limited WC-0291n TETRACAINE HCL USP/EP 2021-03-12 2024-01-24 Survey No. 69, Chandrapadiya (V), Vinjamur Mandal, Nellore District-524228